



维摩诘 双语例句

1. 感谢 薄伽梵大圣智及维摩诘阿达尔嘛佛师尊慈悲钦赐弟子积功德,弟子愿把所有功德回向所有众生。
    I`m Grateful to Bhagavan the Great Holy Zhi-Ji Vimalakirti Ahdharma Patriarch Master for bestowing opportunities to accumulate merits on this disciple of yours, I wish to dedicate all merits to all sentient beings.

2. 维摩诘的翻译

2. 在《维摩诘经》对中国传统文化所有的影响中,其中它的言说智慧对中国传统文化的影响是巨大的。
    Among all its influences, the influence of its expressing wisdom on Chinese traditional culture is the most important.

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3. 所以我再重覆一次,《维摩诘经》讲
    So, I repeat again; in Vimalakirti-Nirdesa sutra

4. 等到最后,这个年青人为维摩诘点上眼珠的时候,画上的人物就像活了一样
    When he finally added the eye lines, the Buddha seemed to come alive

5. 维摩诘的意思

5. 等到最后,这个年青人为维摩诘点上眼珠的时候,画上的人物就像活了一样
    When he finally added the eye lines, the Buddha seem ed to come alive

6. 还有,僧问,维摩诘、文殊对话说的什么事?
    Still have, the ask, the, text dialogue say of what matter?

7. 再次感谢薄伽梵智及维摩诘今天赐予我为大家发言的荣幸及特权。
    Thank Master Wang again for giving me the honour and privilege to address you today.

8. 塔州警察很多年以来,一直都和Most Venerable 薄伽梵智及维摩诘师尊的皞峇灯中国汉传密宗──圣密宗金刚禅佛教,有著非常、非常密切的交往。
    Tasmanian police has been having a very, very close association with Most Venerable Bhagavan Zhi-Ji Vimalakirti Master`s Chinese Han Transmission Tantrayana Buddhism, Holy Tantra Jin-Gang-Dhyana Buddhism of Hobart for over many years now.

9. 其内容包括《维摩诘经》所云:三千大世界能容纳於盒子里面;四大海水入毛细孔,十方佛土在毛细孔可以看到?
    The Buddhist realms in the ten directions can all be seen by looking inside an opening as small as a hair follicle?

10. 维摩诘什么意思

10. 但在我们的根本上师薄伽梵大圣智及维摩诘阿达尔嘛佛师尊的加持下,雨并不足够令我们的准备工作停顿。
    But under the blessing of our Root Guru Bhagavan the Great Holy Zhi-Ji Vimalakirti Ahdharma Buddha Patriarch Master, the rain wasn't enough to put a halt to our preparation work.

11. 我感激薄伽梵大圣智及维摩诘阿达尔嘛佛师尊给弟子这机会去简单的分享一点我的想法及感受。
      I'm thankful to Bhagavan the Great Holy Zhi-Ji Vimalakirti Ahdharma Buddha Patriarch Master for giving me this opportunity to briefly share a bit of my thoughts and feelings.

12. 最尊贵的薄伽梵智及维摩诘的教法工作不单在澳洲,更在全世界传播。
      Bhagawan Zhi-Ji Vimalakirti whose dhammawork is spreading not only in Australia but throughout the world.

13. danci.911cha.com

13. 青年人提出要在一面粉刷好的墙上画一幅维摩诘(传说中一个信佛教但不出家的居士)像,可以向前来观看他作画的人征集捐款。
      The young man suggested drawing a picture of the Buddha on a wall and collecting money from those who came to see him at work.

14. 维摩诘经变是佛教美术中普遍而又独特的题材,对中国文化思想乃至艺术精神都产生了深刻影响。
      The picture of Vimalakirti is a prevalent and particular theme in the art of Buddhism, which influenced the cultural idea and the artistic spirit greatly in China.

15. 佛教美术中的维摩诘题材释读
      A Reading of Vimalakirti Images in the Buddhist Arts

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16. 薄伽梵智及维摩诘说会议非常成功。
      Bhagavan Zhi-Ji Vimalakirti said the conference had been very successful.

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17. 薄伽梵智及维摩诘师尊是我们伟大的领袖。
      Bhagavan Master Zhi-Ji Vimalakirti is our great leader.

18. 师尊薄伽梵智及维摩诘有这个好机会。
      Master Bhagavan Zhi-Ji Vimalakirti get this good opportunity.
