

Absolute minimum temperature;
绝对最低气温 网络解释

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1. absolute lowest temperature:绝对最高气温 absolute highest temperature | 绝对最低气温 absolute lowest temperature | 湿球 wet bulb temperature

绝对最低气温 双语例句

1. 绝对最低气温各地均在-6℃以上,冬季偶有降雪,霜日30—60天。
    The absolute minimum temperature across the region over the -6 ℃, occasional snow in winter, frost days 30-60 days.

2. 绝对最低气温因受寒潮南袭的影响在-5℃以下。7月平均气温27°—30℃,是全国较炎热地区,其中武汉、九江、南昌、南京均为全国著名的高温城市。
    The absolute minimum temperature due to the impact of cold spells in the south below -5 ℃.7 monthly average temperature of 27 °-30 ℃, higher than the national hot regions, Wuhan, Jiujiang, Nanchang, Nanjing, high temperatures are famous cities.

3. 以华人最多的温哥华而言,是全加拿大冬季最暖和的城市,最冷的1月平均气温为3℃,7月的平均气温为17℃,基本上一年四季如春;多伦多1月的平均气温为-6.7℃,7月为20.5℃;渥太华年平均气温5.7℃,位于世界平均气温最低的首都第五位,年绝对最低气温-36℃,是世界第三位绝对气温最低的首都。
    With the largest number of Chinese Vancouver, Canada is the warmest winter city, the coldest average January temperature of 3 ℃, 7, the average temperature of 17 ℃, basically like spring all year round; Toronto in January, the average Temperature of -6.7 ℃, 7 months to 20.5 ℃; Ottawa annual average temperature 5.7 ℃, the world's average temperature at the lowest fifth of the capital, in the absolute minimum temperature of -36 ℃, was third in the world is the lowest temperature in the capital.

4. 长城站所在的乔治王岛,全岛85%的面积被冰雪覆盖,绝对最低气温达到-28.5℃,天气变化剧烈。
    Great Wall Station is located on King George Island, the island 85% of the area were snow-covered, the absolute minimum temperature reached -28.5 ℃, dramatic changes in the weather.

5. 绝对最低气温曾达-71℃,气温绝对年较差达101.8℃,世界上气温年较差最大的地区之一。
    Leaching of Scandium From Scandium Concentrate by HCl and 7~# reagent

6. 绝对最低气温的意思

6. 由于地势低缓、地形破碎,除大别山地势较高、对冬季南下冷空气有一定阻挡作用外,桐柏山、大洪山的气候屏障作用甚微,冬季受北来冷空气影响,绝对最低气温各地均可降至0℃以下。
    The topography of slowdown, broken terrain, in addition to the Dabie Mountains was quite high, on the winter cold air southward blocking certain things, Tongbai mountains, the weather barrier Dahongshan little in winter by the north to cold air, the impact can be reduced to an absolute minimum temperature below 0 ℃ around.

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7. 绝对日最低气温的模拟效果较好,但绝对日最高气温和最大日较差的模拟都偏大,一半以上气象站4月和10月绝对日最高气温的模拟误差在2.5~10℃。
    Both annual duration of temperature above 0℃ and accumulated temperature above 0℃ were reproduced well on most regions. Around the very arid Talimu basin, simulated duration of temperature above 0℃ were significantly lower than the observed.
