

络腮胡子[luò sāi hú zi]


词典whiskers腮须,胡须;(某些动物的)须( whisker的名词复数 );连鬓胡子;一丝;几乎要做。

词典full beard络腮胡子。

词典burns<美>络腮胡子,大鬓角;烧伤,烧痕( burn的名词复数 )。

络腮胡子 汉英大词典

络腮胡子[luò sāi hú zi]


whiskers; full beard

络腮胡子 网络解释

1. burns:burnout 燃尽 | burns 络腮胡子 | burnt 燃烧

2. 络腮胡子

2. full beard n:full adj. 完全的 | full beard n. 络腮胡子 | thumbnail n. 拇指的指甲

3. Beard:Scar 疤痕 | Beard 络腮胡子 | Wearing glasses 戴眼镜

络腮胡子 双语例句

1. 络腮胡子的意思

1. 假发和络腮胡子是由牦牛的毛做的。
    The wig and beard are made of yak hair.

2. 络腮胡子

2. 一个留着络腮胡子的老人和一个脸色苍白的女人住在那儿。
    An old man with a beard and a white-faced woman lived there.

3. 你想剪掉你的络腮胡子吗?
    Do you want your side burns cut?

4. 络腮胡子的反义词

4. 凯拉多克老先生大腹便便,心胸宽广无畏,留着密匝匝的灰色络腮胡子
    He was a huge-bellied, great-hearted man with a tangled gray beard.

5. 络腮胡子

5. 到最后,我只能看到他的一只耳朵和一络络腮胡子
    And at last I could see nothing beyond his ear and the frayed ringlet of one whisker.

6. 络腮胡子的解释

6. 陌生人戴着深蓝色的眼镜,加上浓密的络腮胡子,整个脸都被遮盖了。
    The stranger's face was hidden by dark---blue spectacle s and bushy sidewhiskers.

7. 陌生人戴着深蓝色的眼镜,加上浓密的络腮胡子,整个脸都被遮盖了。
    The stranger's face was hidden by dark---blue spectacles and bushy sidewhiskers.

8. 络腮胡子的意思

8. 那里麦包垒成的平台上站着亚历克·德伯,他留着假装神圣的络腮胡子,穿着半牧师式的黑服。
    And there on a platform of corn-bags, in sanctimonious sidewhiskers and semi-clerical blacks, stood Alec D'Urberville.

9. 我也是黑色的头发,我没有络腮胡子,但我有短的胡须。
    I have black hair too. I does not have a beard, but I have a short black moustache.

10. 要我把您的络腮胡子刮掉吗?
    Would you like me to shave off your beard?

11. 他既没有络腮胡子,也没有八字须,使得他脸下半部柔和的曲线清晰地显露出来。
      He had neither whisker nor moustache, which allowed the soft curves of the lower part of his face to be apparent.

12. 络腮胡子的反义词

12. 一头上月在旧金山湾区繁忙的高速公路上游荡时具有名气的,长着短短络腮胡子的婴儿海狮,已经回到大海。
      A baby sea lion who had a brief brush with fame when he wandered on to a busy San Francisco Bay area freeway last month has returned to the sea.

13. 他是一个中等身材的文官,长的相当胖,大腹便便,保养的级好,脸上留着络腮胡子,嘴上却不留唇髭。
      He was a mesosoma civilian, so fat, potbellied, maintenance is great.

14. 门开了,出来一个大个子满脸络腮胡子的人。
      The door opened and out came a tall, whiskered man.

15. 那两个人的面孔是他从没见过的。一个生一脸络腮胡子,穿件布衫,一个留一头长发,衣服破烂。
      These two persons were strangers to him; one was a bearded man in a blouse, and the other a long-haired individual in rags.

16. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

16. 最后,当他悄悄地徘徊于伦敦街头,被这种困境弄得走投无路时,曾经去一家出售戏剧用品的商店,偷走一副墨镜,一副假络腮胡子和一些衣服,他穿戴着这些服饰到达了伊平。
      At last, prowl ing London streets and make desperate by his plight, he had gone to a shop selling the atrical supplies. There he had stolen the dark glasses, side-whiskers, and clothes he wore onhis arrival in Iping.

17. 那个长着络腮胡子的人是谁?
      Who is the man with the beard?

18. 络腮胡子的反义词

18. 在以后的岁月里他一直都留着络腮胡子
      And he did wear the beard for the rest of his life.

19. 问问乔伊?摩尔吧,她最近刚刚在网上寻找初恋情人。1974年,他还是高中橄榄球队的队长──高大、帅气、留着络腮胡子,摩尔说那当时可是风行一时。
      Ask Joy Moore, who recently went searching for her first love on the Internet. In 1974, he was captain of the high-school football team -- tall, handsome, with aion kina mutton-chop sideburns that Ms. Moore says were'all the rage at the time.

20. 问问乔伊·摩尔吧,她最近刚刚在网上寻找初恋情人。1974年,他还是高中橄榄球队的队长──高大、帅气、留着络腮胡子,摩尔说那当时可是风行一时。
      Ask Joy Moore, who recently went searching for her first love on the Internet. In 1974, he was captain of the high-school football team -- tall, handsome, with mutton-chop sideburns that Ms. Moore says were'all the rage at the time.
