

绒绣[róng xiù]


词典woolen needlepoint tapestry绒绣。

词典woolen embroidery绒绣。

绒绣 汉英大词典

绒绣[róng xiù]

{工美} woolen needlepoint tapestry; woolen embroidery

绒绣 双语例句

1. 现已发现最早的实物是1958年从长沙楚墓中出土的一幅龙风图。1972年,马王堆汉墓又出土了40件刺绣衣物和一幅铺绒绣锦。
    Now the earliest material is found in 1958 in changsha, hunan unearthed from a dragon wind. In 1972, and unearthed han miu 40 pieces of clothing and a shop embroidery embroidery.

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. 主打啡色皮革或麂皮的平底鞋或靴,加上其他如窝钉、旧金属等细节,配衬饰有流苏、碎花图案或绒绣的衣服,就已是一个total look;戴上充满玩味的吉卜赛手镯,更是画龙点睛。
    Brown leather or suede flats and boots are the defining features of the trend, with other details like studs, old metals and tooled leather adding to sophisticate the look.

3. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

3. 它也常用于绒绣
    It is also often used in needlepoint.

4. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

4. 它也常用于绒绣
    It is also o f ten used in needlepoint.

5. 绒绣

5. 它也常用于绒绣
    It is also often use d in nee d lepoint.

6. 我的旧理念,过去是活也让别人活,但是我采取这一绒绣阶级,他们给了我们这些真正的大枕头。
    My old philosophy used to be Live and let live, but I m taking this needlepoint class and they gave us these really big pillows.

7. 这是相同的针用于petipoint和绒绣,除了消除童工和绒绣是在画布上。
    This is the same stitch used for petipoint and needlepoint, except that peti and needlepoint are worked on canvas.

8. 在种类上粤绣可分为绒绣、线绣、金银线绣三类,品种包括戏服、厅堂装饰、联帐、采眉、挂屏和各种日用绣品等。
    Floss, thread and gold-and-silk thread embroidery are used to produce costumes, decorations for halls and crafts for daily use.

9. 它也常用于绒绣
    It is a lso often used in needlepoint.

10. 我的旧理念,过去是活也让别人活,但是我采取这一绒绣阶级,他们给了我们这些真正的大枕头。
    My old philosophy used to be Live and let live, but Im taking this needlepoint class and they gave us these really big pillows.

11. 如果你在服用了绒绣,在针您需要了解一个是十字绣。
      If you " re taking up needlepoint, one of the stitches you " ll need to learn is the cro ss stitch.

12. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

12. 因此,起绒印花产物具有新奇的绒绣成果,而不收泡印花产物则有平不活的浮雕成果。
      As a result, tufted printed products have fancy woolen embroidery mill effect, and the foaming printing products are now vivid relief.

13. 绒绣的近义词

13. 如果你在服用了绒绣,在针您需要了解一个是十字绣。
      If you " re taking up needlepoint, one of the stitches you " ll need to learn is the cro ss stitch.
