

绉绸[zhòu chóu]



绉绸 汉英大词典

绉绸[zhòu chóu]

{纺} crepe

绉绸 网络解释

1. crisped crepe:crispbakedcooky酥口饼 | crispedcrepe绉绸 | Crispella克里斯佩拉窄带形粘胶长丝

2. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

2. krepo:kremo 奶油 cream | krepo 绉绸 crepe | krepusko 曙光 twilight

绉绸 双语例句

1. 绉绸在线翻译

1. 黛安娜王妃一九九二年国事访问期间,就是穿这件黑色绉绸晚礼服。
    Princess Diana wore this black crepe evening gown during a state visit in1992.

2. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

2. 办公室中,坚持穿那种厚实的面料(如羊毛;绉绸),它们看起来比亚麻等薄弱面料更专业和美观。
    In the office, stick to sturdier, thicker fabrics (tropical wool; crepe). They look more professional than flimsier ones, like linen.

3. 色织绉布的设计与生产锦纶绉绸织物染整工艺探讨纺织新产品的开发(五):绉类织物
    Design and Production of Colour-woven Crepe Fabric

4. 绉绸的翻译

4. 绉绸一种用丝、棉、毛或其它纤维织成的轻软而薄的织物,表面成皱状
    A light, soft, thin fabric of silk, cotton, wool, or another fiber, with a crinkled surface.

5. danci.911cha.com

5. 做出西方的片段真正发生,有象结果一样停下来-对从竞争被其恶化的私人的受伤者,沉思前,武器的琐细发动和不合适的使用-绉绸中(真的名字 Vincenzo Leopizzi)和它的二个朋友中,阿基里斯 Comito,33 年,Vibo Valentia,和 Claudio 中后退,44 年,罗马中。
    The episode to Make West happened really, and had like result the stopping - for personal injuries aggravated from the competition, premeditation, futile motive and improper use of arms - of Crêpes and of its two friends, Achilles Comito, 33 years, of Vibo Valentia, and Claudio Give back, 44 years, of Rome.
