

终成泡影[zhōng chéng pào yǐng]

词典be frustrated失意;潦倒;终成泡影。


词典come to naught [nothing]

词典end [go] up in smoke

词典vanish like a bubble终成泡影。

词典come to nothing落空;化为乌有;化为泡影;完全失败,终成泡影。

终成泡影 汉英大词典

终成泡影[zhōng chéng pào yǐng]


be frustrated; come to naught [nothing]; end [go] up in smoke; vanish like a bubble

终成泡影 网络解释

1. to vanish like a bubble:to provide against a rainy day未雨绸缪 | to vanish like a bubble终成泡影 | to hail the rising sun 趋炎附势

2. 终成泡影

2. To end in a smojke:如坐针 To sit in thorns | 终成泡影 To end in a smojke | 千钧一发 To hang by a thread

3. To end in a smoke:Take French leave.不辞而别. | To end in a smoke.终成泡影. | To fish in the air.水中捞月.

终成泡影 双语例句

1. 他的努力终成泡影
    From'.''his efforts.

2. 由于没人支持,这一计划终成泡影
    Owing to lack of support the scheme fizzled out.

3. 他想成为超级明星的梦想终成泡影
    His dream of becoming a superstar ended in bubbles.

4. 他们推翻政府的企图终成泡影
    Their attempt to overthrow the government ended in nothing.

5. 今年更早些时候的充满自信的预言终成泡影
    Andconfident predictions of that, earlier this year, have come to nothing.

6. 终成泡影的翻译

6. 人们之前就已经设想过这类改革,但终成泡影
    Reforms of this sort have been envisaged before and have come to nothing.

7. 他的努力终成泡影
    E. g. Nothing has resulted from his efforts.

8. 他脚上水泡引起的持续疼痛.由于没人支持,这一计划终成泡影
    The constant smart of the blisters on his feet Owing to lack of support the scheme fizzled out.

9. 终成泡影

9. 因没人支持,这一计划终成泡影
    Owing to lack of support, the scheme fizzled out.

10. 中国或许不会很热心:它将观察事态的发展。人们之前就已经设想过这类改革,但终成泡影
    China might not be keen: it would see where this was going. Reforms of this sort have been envisaged before and have come to nothing.

11. 目前联合国争论的背后,隐藏着一个严峻但通常不点明的认识:如果所有的努力终成泡影,美国或以色列不得不发动军事袭击摧毁伊朗的核设施,后果将是深远的。
      Behind today's wrangles at the United Nations lies one harsh and usually unspoken realisation: if everything fails and the US or Israel feels compelled to launch military strikes to destroy Iran's nuclear facilities, the consequences would be profound.

12. 但不久后堀江贵文被捕他们的计划终成泡影
      However, shortly after they were arrested Horie's plan to end up in smoke.

13. 由于上述原因,叙利亚的问题并没有具体化,因此所有相关人士和机构在推动进程方面所作的一切尝试终成泡影
      For reasons already enumerated, the Syrian track did not materialize and hence all the attempts of auxiliary persons and entities to facilitate the process came to nothing.

14. danci.911cha.com

14. 该镇建新的购物中心的计划因政府削减而终成泡影
      The plans for the town's new shopping centre were given the kiss of death by reductions in government spending.

15. 终成泡影的解释

15. 当他发现自己的精心计划终成泡影,他开始用不同的眼光看他人。
      As he starts to find his well-laid plans dissolving to nothing, he begins to see others in a different light.
