



词典drill in formation练队。

词典drill for a parade练队。

练队 双语例句

1. 山东省普通高校健美操师资队伍整体上是合格的,工作表现得到领导认可;从论文发表的数量讲,山东省普通高校健美操老师处于较高水平,但论文的质量还有待提高,教师写论文的动因大多是为了眼前的利益、或迫于形式要求而不是为了从教学和学科建设的发展出发做科研。5调查中发现山东省普通高校健美操教师中有84.32%的人还从未带过训练队;山东省普通高校的健美操教师很少承担课外健美操教育教学,很少参与高校内公共健美操活动;山东省普通高校健美操教师的工作待遇低于其他学科;高达83.49%的普通高校健美操教师愿意接受继续教育,但继续教育的机会较少;山东省普通高校健美操教师在施教过程中,场地器材等设施大部分能保证教学的正常需要,但教学条件还需要进一步改善和提高。
    Aerobics teachers lack of theoretical knowledge of the profession and specialized knowledge in aerobics. We will improve and adjust the structure of aerobics in the future. Aerobics teachers body patterning are accord with their profession. Lot of aerobics teachers select the public aerobics as the class teaching. The level of judge and aerobics are low. Capacity of scientific research of teachers of 14 colleges of Shandong province is higher. The salary of teachers who engaged in aerobics is lower than other teachers. Several teachers are dissatisfy the teaching circumstances at present, such as lacking of courseware and facilities. And the majority of teachers who engaged in aerobics have less opportunity to taking part in advanced studies. In the results of our investigation, 84.32% percent teachers never guide aerobics team. A few aerobics teachers undertake extracurricular aerobics teaching and public aerobics teaching in colleges. 83.49% percent teachers want to accept continuation education but have little opportunity. aerobics teachers'professional mentality is healthy, active and overall stability of teachers'professional mentality. But some also tend to work for some practical considerations.

2. 俱乐部专门邀请了我校具有较高专业素质的素质拓展训练队伍为大家进行素拓。
    Club specifically invited me to the quality of schools with high quality professional development training for all teams to Su-Billiton.

3. 练队的反义词

3. 本条例旨在就香港海事训练队分区委员会成立为法团及相关事宜订定条文。
    To provide for the incorporation of the Area Committee of the Hong Kong Sea Cadet Corps and for matters connected therewith.

4. 练队的翻译

4. 他已花了一年时间为下个月的环球比赛训练队伍。
    He has spent a year training crews for next month's round the world race.

5. 练队的反义词

5. 本条例可引称为《香港海事训练队条例》(有关文字因已失时效而略去)。
    This Ordinance may be cited as the Hong Kong Sea Cadet Corps Ordinance (words omitted as spent).

6. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

6. 后来,他接到后备军官训练队的电话,请他到新墨西哥大学工作。
    Later, he received a call from the ROTC offering him a job at theUniversity of New Mexico.

7. 练队

7. 后来,他接到后备军官训练队的电话,请他到新墨西哥大学工作。
    Later, he received a call from the ROTC offering him a job at the Universityof New Mexico.

8. 练队

8. 我十几岁时参加了加拿大皇家空军训练队,但很快被发现色弱,丧失了军事飞行的机会。
    I joined the Royal Canadian Air Cadets as a teenager, but soon discovered I was partially colorblind, wiping out any chance for military flying.

9. 丘莉莉参加2006年亚运会,她是香港马术训练队的资深成员。
    The senior member of Hong Kong's equestrian dressage team at the2006 Asian Games was LILY CHIU XI-LO.

10. danci.911cha.com

10. 错过了那次后备军官训练队舞会并不意味着我们不能在这里举行我们自己的舞会&现在就开始。
    Just because you missed the ROTC dance doesn't mean we can't have our own right here right now.

11. Mod-CrazyEye:+1,我非常不赞成新人去训练耐力和罚球,他们应该专注于训练队里那些有价值的球员。就我个人来说,我更喜欢在这段只有友谊赛可打的时间里进行错位训练,如果我的训练位是外线球员的话,我可能会让选择训练PF/C位置的篮板或者内防,因为每个赛季只有在这段时间里你可以随心所欲的安排阵容而不用去担心球队输赢问题。
      I personal like training off position in the weeks where i just play scrimmage, so when i am a guard trainer i maybe play my guards as center/pf and train rebounding or Inside defence because this is the only time in the year you could do so without giving up games; One sweek stamina is often also a solution of wasted minutes, or maybe the possibility to play three matches hard in a week - and free throw when you reach level 3 you already shoot ~60% and the trainign ain't very valuable after this point with ft 7 you nearly don't see a different anymore with additional pops.
