1. 纹风不动的反义词
1. 立正的时候,你必须纹风不动地站着。
While at attention, you must stand perfectly still.
2. 这是我最爱的舞,因为它藏着一个秘密:我转得愈快,我的内在愈纹风不动;我的舞全无动作,而满是寂静。
This is my favorite dance, because it contains a secret. The faster I twirl, the more I am still inside. My dance is all motion without, all silence within.
3. 纹风不动在线翻译
3. 此时童博把冰晶石包在背上之后也来到门边,他先砍了几剑,那东西纹风不动
At this time, Po approaches the entrance after he packed the Ice Crystal on his back.
4. 我们三个人来到麦当劳餐厅排队等候点购早餐时,包括我先生在内的一群人突然纷纷往后退去,而我则纹风不动站在原处;当人们退散的同时,我的内心惊恐地涌现出一股难以抗拒的不安感觉
We were standing in line, waiting to be served, when all of a sudden everyone around us began to back away, and then even my husband did. I did not move an inch, an overwhelming feeling of panic welled up inside of me as I turned to see why they had moved.
5. 此时童博把冰晶石包在背上之后也来到门边,他先砍了几剑,那东西纹风不动
Ice Crystal on his back. He, first, hacks the thing blocked the
6. 纹风不动的反义词
6. 木匠砍呀,劈呀,可是那棵树纹风不动。
The carpenter chipped, chopped, but the tree stood still.
7. 於是群众云集,看他施法。可穆罕默德一而再、再而三地下令,远山依然纹风不动。这时穆罕默德一点都不羞愧,反而说道:「既然山不迁就我,我就移樽就教吧。
The people assembled; Mahomet called the hill to come to him, again and again; and when the hill stood still, he was never a whit abashed, but said, If the hill will not come to Mahomet, Mahomet will go to the hill.