

Accept money;
纳财 双语例句

1. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

1. 不仅安排了胶东民俗展示、民俗文化知识竞赛、跟着电视剧游庄园、祈福纳财和万人苹果采摘等活动,而且开展了栖霞旅游形象标识、宣传口号和特殊旅游纪念品有奖征集活动,最高奖金可达30000元。
    Not only organized the show Jiaodong folk, folk culture, knowledge competitions, followed by television travel estate, financial, and million people pray for Fauna apple picking and other activities, but also carried out Qixia tourism image logo, slogan, and special tourist souvenir prizes solicitation, the maximum bonus up to 30, 000 yuan.

2. 纳财的解释

2. 女:展望未来,一年胜似一年景,金牛纳财,迎来美好明天。
    Women: Looking to the future, a year worth a year of downturn, the Taurus accept money, usher in a better tomorrow.
