

纤指[xiān zhǐ]


纤指 网络解释

1. Ladyfinger:Luxury 奢移品 (148) | Ladyfinger 纤指 (148) | Little Devil 恶魔 (148)

纤指 双语例句

1. 纤指

1. 她的纤指上戴着两只大钻戒,闪耀着红光和青光。
    On her slim fingers red and blue fire danced in two large diamonds.

2. 这时,我的身子好似一架竖琴,她的音容笑貌宛如拨弄琴弦的纤指
    But my body was like a harp and her words and gestures were like fingers running upon the wries.

3. 纤指清舞,穿过斜风疏云,编织缕缕清浅淡薄的情绪。
    Slender finger pure dance, cut through the inclined breeze cloud, weave continuously pure and shallow weak thin motion.

4. 谁的纤指拨弦,弹奏着一曲情爱的清音,纵然那眉间似水的柔媚,如花的梅妆,却也惊得一树的芳香,梅花三弄的雅兴。
    Who plucked, playing with a love of the voiceless, even though it's soft Things glabella, flowery makeup of the plum, but also a tree aromatic, of Three Variations of Plum Flowers.

5. 如果你同7000年以来的多数人一样为黄金着迷,那么下面你会发现这件装点玉颈、手腕、纤指的美丽金属不仅有趣,而且有时令人惊叹。
    If you are fascinated by gold, as most humans have been for the past 7, 000 years, then you might find the following facts about the beautiful metal that you may be wearing on your neck, wrists and fingers to be quite interesting and in some cases surprising as well.

6. 你舒展的柔荑纤指,缓缓淌落了悲伤。
    Your hands have already opended their delicate fists And let their soft drifting sorrows drop away.
