

Red lotus;
红藕 双语例句

1. 红藕

1. 薄荷叶,红藕圈,卷菜捆,卖了几个卢比,菜便从一个船家身上抛到另一个船家身上。
    Sellers bump gently into buyers, putting a foot in the customer`s boat to ensure that the deal does not drift away.

2. 薄荷叶,红藕圈,卷菜捆,卖了几个卢比,菜便从一个船家身上抛到另一个船家身上。
    Sprigs of mint, red coils of lotus root and bundles of knotted cabbage change hands for a few rupees, tossed from one boatman`s lap to another.

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3. 秋风起了,红藕香残,荷叶青春消解,俨如老者江上披蓑,阅尽清秋。
    Autumn played a red lotus incense residue, the leaves youth digestion, very much like the old man river Phi Mino, of reading to do Kiyoaki.

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4. 薄荷叶,红藕圈,卷菜捆,卖了几个卢比,菜便从一个船家身上抛到另一个船家身上。
    Sprigs of mint, red coils of lotus root and bundles of knotted cabbage change hands for a few rupees, tossed from one boatman's lap to another.

5. 杨公如是那个啊??红藕香残玉簟秋。轻解罗裳
    In the future there are no national boundaries.

6. 红藕的解释

6. 问君能有几多愁,恰似一江春水向东流。月满西楼红藕香残玉簟秋轻解罗裳独上兰舟云中谁寄锦书来雁字回时月满西楼花自飘零水自流一种相思两处闲愁此情无计可消除才下眉头却上心头
    I saw a shimmering light My head grew heavy and my sight grew dim I had to stop for the night There she stood in the doorway I heard the mission bell And I was thinking to myself This could be heaven or this could be hell Then she lit up a candle And she showed me the way There were voices down in corridor I thought I heard them say......
