

繁文缛节[fán wén rù jié]

词典unnecessary and overelaborate formalities繁文缛节。


词典red tape官样文章。

词典riualistic [trivial] formalities

词典superfluous rules and usages烦文熟礼;繁文缛节。

繁文缛节 汉英大词典

繁文缛节[fán wén rù jié]

unnecessary and overelaborate formalities; red tape; riualistic [trivial] formalities; superfluous rules and usages; prolix style and hackneyed rites:


    I've given up trying to get a visa; there is too much red tape involved.

繁文缛节 网络解释

1. red tape:(二)建构一个自由、开放且公平竞争的市场环境英国商业企业暨法规改革部将藉由推动法规松绑、有效率的开放市场、鼓勵自由竞争、保障消费者权益、确保每一个人在职场上皆能充分发挥潜能、减轻企业界的繁文缛节(redtape)行政负担、简化各项针对企业的繁琐行政程序及规定等措施,

2. 繁文缛节

2. mumbo-jumbo n:multiply vi.繁殖 | mumbo-jumbo n.繁文缛节 | municipality n.市政当局

3. danci.911cha.com

3. unnecessary and over-elaborate formalities; red tape:繁荣昌盛--thriving and prosperous | 繁文缛节--unnecessary and over-elaborate formalities; red tape | 反败为胜--come from behind to win the game

4. 繁文缛节的意思

4. the red tape:7. paint the town red 狂欢 胡闹 | 8. the red tape 繁文缛节 | 9. in the red 赤字,负债的
