

紫萱 双语例句

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. 紫萱 在眼睛浮肿?找它就对了!上的评论
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2. 一开始被卷入雪见家族的内部斗争以及唐门和霹雳堂的争斗之中,而后遇到蜀山弃徒长卿及其未婚妻紫萱,景天走上了协助蜀山寻找五灵珠,封印锁妖塔的漫漫征途。
    Began to be involved in hsuehchien the family's internal struggle and Tang Men, and Charlie Hall of the struggle among the abandoned and then met leggy Qing Shu and his fiancee Zi-xuan, Sedum embarked on to help find five Shu Ling Zhu, seal lock demon Tap the long journey.

3. 紫萱的反义词

3. 一开始被卷入雪见家族的内部斗争以及唐门和霹雳堂的争斗之中,而后遇到蜀山弃徒长卿及其未婚妻『紫萱』,走上了协助蜀山寻找五灵珠,封印锁妖塔的漫漫征途。
    Xue Xian was the beginning of a family involved in the internal struggle, as well as Tang Men and Charlie's struggle together, and then abandoned encounter Shushan leggy and Qing Xuan fiancee'Purple'and embarked on Shushan to help search for five Ling Zhu, lock seal demon Tap the long journey.

4. 王慧,赵井泉,张建平,杨紫萱,蒋丽金
    Wang Hui; Zhao Jingquan; Zhang Jianping; Yang Zixuan; Jiang Lijin

5. 911查询·英语单词

5. 这也让“汤七七”这一称号成为继“紫萱”、“夏天美”之后的新代名词。
    This also allows " soup July " the title to become the " purple Xuan ", " summer beauty " after the new synonym.

6. 紫萱的近义词

6. 这也让“汤七七”这一称号成为继“紫萱”、“夏天美”之后的新代名词。
    This also allows " soup July " the title to become the " purple Xuan "," summer beauty " after the new synonym.
