

Proceed boldly;
精进勇猛 双语例句

1. 精进勇猛

1. 你看看历代的祖师、过去的诸佛,都是勇猛精进才能成就他的道业,能得到三觉圆、万德备,都是因为精进。
    Those who are lazy cannot get enlightened.

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2. 金山寺的出家人、在家人,大家都要勇猛精进。因为在西方,这是佛教的一个开始。
    All of you laypeople and left-home people here at Gold Mountain Monastery should be courageously vigorous, because this is the beginning of Buddhism in the West, and there is a need for people to become enlightened and certify to the fruitions.

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3. 在修身上,我们应该勇猛精进,绝不妥协,可是在别人面前,则不可特别彰显自己的德行,令人有行秽不如自己的感觉。
    We should march bravely in the way of practice, never daunting; however, we should not show our virtue to others so as to eclipse others.

4. 修行完备的人认为应该做的事会勇猛精进,绝不退缩,所谓「虽千万人,吾往矣」的胸襟。
    A man of perfection by practice deems that a man should be gutsy and dauntless to do thing as the archaism goes Though thousands of people are there to fight against me, I still go.

5. 世尊说的永不退转、勇猛精进等也都具有同样的意思。
    Also, Buddha encourages people to march forward without return.

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6. com 人都更痛恨小说,并且已经进入勇猛精进的阶段。
    With the aid of God, of the Prince, she entered.

7. 精进勇猛的解释

7. 可是安宁、平静、勇猛精进的修行生活,他却是会很大方的赐予想要拥有它的人。
    However, he will generously endow you with progressing in practice and give you a tranquil and peaceful life if you want.

8. 缺乏勇猛精进的修行及练功的态度,这样的门徒,世尊及老子等智者是不会喜欢的。
    Laotse and Buddha don`t like the kind of disciple who lacks the bold and progressive attitude for practice.

9. 但是她宣布她比任何人都更痛恨小说,并且已经进入勇猛精进的阶段。
    But she declared that she was the first to detest them, and then, she had reached her fierce stage of devotion.

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10. 其他如缺乏勇猛精进的修行及练功的态度等,类似这样的门徒,世尊及老子等智者是不会喜欢的。
    Laotse and Buddha don ` t like the kind of disciple who lacks the bold and progressive attitude for practice.

11. 佛经上说,一些修行颇佳的弟子因为被有钱人家包养,结果在优渥的供养中迷失了方向而不能勇猛精进。
      Sutra has it that some disciples of good practice were supported in rich men's houses, so that they lost their aspiration and braveness.

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12. 佛经上说,一些修行颇佳的弟子被有钱人家包养,因而在优渥的供养中,结果迷失了方向而不能勇猛精进,所有这些,都是大道上的障碍。
      Sutra has it that some disciples of good practice were supported in rich men`s houses, so that they lost their aspiration and braveness. Those are obstacles on the way of practice.

13. 三载纯功,精进勇猛,仅得小八极一套。
      In three years, his son received only instructions on basic ba-chi.
