

签筒[qiān tǒng]

词典lot pot签筒。

签筒 汉英大词典

签筒[qiān tǒng]

lot pot

签筒 双语例句

1. 当你在摇动签筒时,你应该想这你希望知道的事。
    While you are shaking these sticks you are supposed to think of something you would want to know about.

2. 签筒的近义词

2. 他已忘了是来求财的,我摇了摇签筒,要他诚心的去抽取两支。
    He had forgotten to wealth, and I shook his签筒to his sincerity to the two samples.

3. 签筒是什么意思

3. 在一大堆的电视摄像机面前,他摇动签筒,直到一支神签掉出来。
    There, before a sea of TV cameras, he shook a container of divinatory stick

4. 签筒

4. 最酷的事情就是求签了,一个杯子里有很多签子,它们每个都有不同的号码,你要不停的摇动签筒,直到有签子掉出来。
    The coolest thing about it was this tradition of holding a cup with these sticks inside, each having a different number on them, and shaking them until only one falls out.

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5. 在一大堆的电视摄像机面前,他摇动签筒,直到一支神签掉出来。
    There, before a sea of TV cameras, he shook a container of divinatory sticks until one fell out that told the city's fortune.

6. 在一大堆的电视摄像机面前,他摇动签筒,直到一支神签掉出来。
    There, before asea of TV cameras, he shook a container of divinatory sticks until onefell out that told the city's fortune.

7. 签筒的意思

7. 姑娘们把表达爱情的祝辞放在签筒里,小伙子依次抽签,抽到哪位姑娘的祝辞,那位姑娘就成为他的恋人。
    Miss express love of wish the put in sign, the young man draws lots one by one in order, which misses take out arrive to wish the, that miss become his lover.

8. 签筒的反义词

8. 摆好餐桌,铺上桌布,摆上花坛、五味架、牙签筒、口布等。
    Smiling table, covered with tablecloths, and put it on flower beds, Five planes, toothpicks extinguishers, such as the mouth of the.
