



筹议 双语例句

1. 筹议的意思

1. 通过广东各级地方官员筹议订立的种种规条禁约、政令文书,清朝政府对澳门的管治逐步实现制度化,并日益形成一套较为严密的管理体制。
    The Portuguese authorities should obey the rules of Chinese Government severely and also assist Chinese officials to arrest and interrogate the criminal.

2. 只有当咱们再次筹议了这些数据的时刻,我们才认识到出了一个错。
    Only when we had studied the data again did we realize that there was a mistake.

3. 至此,经过十余年的筹议,晚清政府终于完成了开征印花税的理论和思想上的准备,开始了第一次短暂的尝试。
    Hence, after more than 10 years of discussing, the Late Qing dynasty government had finally completed the theory and the thought preparation of levying the Stamp Tax, and started the first short attempt.

4. 清末印花税的筹议与实施
    On planning and imposing the stamp tax in the Late Qing Dynasty

5. 筹议的近义词

5. 在《关于波兰政府筹议》中,卢梭系统表达了公民教育的思想,包括公民教育的目的、波兰的民族教师、波兰的国家教育。
    In the last of three works, Rousseau set forth his thinking on citizen education, which include the aims of the education and the national teacher of Poland and national education of Poland.
