1. pure youth and maiden:public record 公案 * | pure youth and maiden 童男童女 * | purity of six sense organs 六根清净 *
2. 童男童女是什么意思
2. Virgin boys and girls:Profane eyes 污眼 | Virgin boys and girls 童男童女 | Honored Seat 上座
1. 孩子们为每一个童男童女唱着一首爱的歌
Children sing a song of love for every boy and girl.
2. 日本人的祖先就是中国人,二千多年前的秦代,秦始皇派了2000童男童女去东海寻找长生不老药,他们当然找不到,不敢回秦国,后来就在日本定居。
They were said to be the Japanese ancestry.
3. 也就是每年须向克里特王国进贡七对童男童女来喂养半人半牛的怪物。
As the feast was in progress, King Aegeus saw Theseus'sword and recognized his son in the young man.
4. danci.911cha.com
4. 日本人的祖先就是中国人,二千多年前的秦代,秦始皇派了2000童男童女去东海寻找长生不老药,他们当然找不到,不敢回秦国,后来就在日本定居。
The descendants of them develop into the modern Japanese.
5. 而只用了17头活山羊,几个童男童女,和几撮小狗尾巴(我认为其中一些是猫尾巴)。
And all it took was 17 live goats, several young virgins, and a gross of puppy dog tails (a couple of which were actually cat tails, I think).
6. 童男童女的解释
6. 的迷宫中并吃掉雅典进贡的童男童女直至被忒修斯杀死
Men'.''and women were sacrificed in the Cretan labyrinth until Theseus killed him.
7. 难道他们真是当年徐富带去五百童男童女,与当地土著繁殖的后代,想要认祖归宗的一个必然过程?
Do they really Xu was brought Virgin Tongnan 500, with the local indigenous breed future generations, want Renzuguizong an inevitable process?
8. 经询问才知道通天河有一妖怪,要村里人每年送一对童男童女给它吃,今年正好轮到陈澄家送人。
The group soon learned that in the Tongtian River there was a spirit who asked the village to send him a virgin girl and a virgin boy every year as a sacrifice.
9. 如今抬阁经过变迁,在童男童女帽子上安装了电珠,夜色中,电光闪烁,更添风采。
Now lift Court after changes at the hat on virgin installed electricity beads, darkness, electro-optical scintillation, even more elegant demeanor.
10. 悟空听了,安慰陈家人不要怕,他和八戒扮作童男童女到庙中等妖怪。
Learning this, Monkey King consoled the Chens, and promised them that he and Pig would act as the boy and girl to wait for the spirit in the temple.
11. “魔鬼要童男童女在下个满月时被献祭”
" Satan commands the virgin be sacrificed at the next full moon. "
12. 童男童女的反义词
12. “魔鬼要童男童女在下个满月时被献祭”
" Satan commands the virgin be sacrificed at the next full moon. "