

立竿见影[lì gān jiàn yǐng]


词典set up a pole and see its shadow -- to get instant results立竿见影。

词典A shadow is cast as soon as a pole is raised.立竿见影。

词典can get good results temporarily立竿见影。

词典get quick results立竿见影。

立竿见影 汉英大词典

立竿见影[lì gān jiàn yǐng]

set up a pole and see its shadow -- to get instant results; A shadow is cast as soon as a pole is raised.; can get good results temporarily; get quick results; produce an immediate effect; produce an immediate effect; work overnight; A pole casts a shadow

立竿见影 网络解释

1. get instant results:34) walk off with sth 顺手牵羊 | 35) get instant results 立竿见影 | 36) achieve what one wishes 如愿以偿
