1. danci.911cha.com
1. Autumn begins:...立秋(autumn begins) 中国农历二十四节气之一,在8月7、8或9日. 我国以立秋为秋季的开始. 每年8月7日或8日视太阳到达黄经135°时为立秋 . << ...
2. Autumnal begins:大暑Great heat | 立秋Autumnal begins | 处暑Stopping the heat
3. 911查询·英语单词
3. the Beginning of Autumn:大暑:Greater Heat | 立秋:the Beginning of Autumn | 处暑:the End of Heat
1. 首先是立秋后气温下降,这使得长途运输得以方便实现。
It is to establish after autumn air temperature to drop above all, this makes line-haul is able to go to the lavatory implementation.
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2. 昨晚和一个海龟谈到天气还没冷下来,都已经十月中旬了,伊港天气反常必有大灾,我说今年闰年,可能离立秋还早呢,我们中国应该按照阴历看天气,按照二十四节气就会很准的。
A young sea-turtle and I talked about weather last night, saying it has not yet become cold now since it is as late as mid-Oct, she said by quoting `there must be a calamity if the weather is abnormal`, I said `2006 is leap-year, so it is normal cold days come late, we should refer to lunar calendar in China`.
3. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D
3. 他解释说,一方面到了10月中旬以后气温会显著降低,不再适宜蚊虫生存,因此最近蚊子会大量储存过冬的营养,找机会拼命吸血,在腹部形成脂肪垫,只有身体强壮、能量储备丰富的蚊子才能躲在温暖的地方捱过整个冬季;另一方面立秋后蚊子繁殖后代也需要大量营养,也需要拼命吸血吸取能量。
He explained that, on the one hand by mid-October after the temperature will be significantly reduced and no longer suitable for mosquitoes to survive, so recently a large number of mosquitoes will be stored over the winter nutrition, blood-sucking desperately looking for opportunities in the form of abdominal fat pad, the only able-bodied, rich energy reserves The mosquitoes can hide in a warm place Aiguo throughout the winter; On the other hand Liqiu after mosquito breeding future generations also require substantial nutrition, blood-sucking desperately need to absorb energy.
4. 立秋什么意思
4. 结果]早春各种嫁接方法成活率为90%以上,立秋前后是芽接的适宜季节,初夏芽接,当年冠幅明显低于其他嫁接方法。
Result Survival rates of all kinds of grafting methods were over 98% in early spring.
5. 立秋的反义词
5. Lisa :它们分别是立春、立夏、立秋和立冬,对吧?
They were sping begins, summer begins, autumn begins and winter begins respectively, weren't they?
6. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全
6. 它们则是由太阳周年视运动中的四个位置点决定的,也就是立春、立夏、立秋、立冬,或谓四立。
They are from the sun as the anniversary of the movement's position of the four-point decision, that is, Li-chun, the beginning of summer, the beginning of autumn, the beginning of winter, that four or legislation.
7. 这时已经是立秋过后一段时间了。
It had been some time since Beginning of Autumn.
8. 立秋:立是开始的意思。
Beginning of autumn: the meaning of legislation is to start.
9. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D
9. 妈妈说已经立秋,我也恍然大悟。
Mother said it is autumn, I recognized suddenly.
10. danci.911cha.com
10. 已经立秋了,它们还在做垂死挣扎。
Has been the beginning of autumn, and they fight a death struggle.
11. 立秋
11. 立秋:秋天的开始。
Beginning of autumn: the beginning of autumn.
12. 这时节,虽然立秋已好久了,但到了中午,天气仍很热。
This season, although the Beginning of Autumn already for ages, but arrived midday, weather still very hot.
13. danci.911chaxun.com
13. 杨玉晨,吴秀峰,张明明,张彗,田立秋
YANG Yu-chen, WU Xiu-feng, ZHANG Ming-Ming, HANG Hui, TIAN Li-qiu
14. danci.911cha.com
14. 快到立秋,他又拉上了包月。
Just before the autumn set in, he got a monthly job.
15. 而立春、立夏、立秋、立冬则反映了四季的开始。
Start of Spring, Start of Summer, Start of Autumn and Start of Winter show the starts of the four seasons.
16. 立秋
16. 早立秋凉飕飕,晚立秋热死牛。
If autumn arrives early, it will be cool; otherwise it will be hot.
17. 立秋:立秋是指秋季的开始。
The beginning of autumn: it means the beginning of autumn.
18. 立秋,一个普通的节气,一个自然气候由热而凉的转折点。
Beginning of Autumn, an ordinary seasonal dividion point, is the turning point from warm weather to coldness.
19. 立秋
19. 到了立秋,秋风一起天气凉爽,人的胃口就好了,需要吃点儿荤菜增加营养,补偿夏天的损耗。
However a cooler weather after the day of Beginning of Autumn stimulates their appetite and they usually have oily and meat dishes for the lost in summer.
20. 立秋
20. 经2a试验结果表明,立秋后对圃地杉苗继续施N肥,不会降低杉苗的抗寒能力,对杉苗无明显生长效应,秋后施N肥是一种浪费。
Years experiment showed that application of N fertilizer after the beginning of Autumn in nursery had no evident effect on cold resistance and growth of Chinese for seedling.