穷原竟委[qióng yuán jìng wěi]
词典get to the bottom of the matter:穷根究底;穷原竟委。
词典go to the heart of the matter:追根寻源;穷原竟委。
词典inquire into the utmost details:穷原竟委。
词典make a thorough inquiry into sth.:穷原竟委。
穷原竟委[qióng yuán jìng wěi]
get to the bottom of the matter; go to the heart of the matter; inquire into the utmost details; make a thorough inquiry into sth.; make a thorough investigation of the antecedents and consequences; trace backward to the source and forward to the end; try
1. 本文从历史唯物主义的观点出发,实事求是地对鲁、梁翻译论战的前后经过进行了穷原竟委的追述。
The author of the present paper has chiefly retrospected process of the controversy.
2. 911查询·英语单词
2. 本论文将从不同的方面对上述问题进行穷原竟委的分析与探讨,以期为英语教学及跨文化交际活动提供可资借鉴的理论模式及实践素材。
This thesiswill make a thorough inquiry into the above problems from various aspects in order to provide English teaching and intercultural communicative activities with some theoretical modes and practical source materials for reference.