

程门立雪[chéng mén lì xuě]


词典stand in the snow to wait upon Master Cheng respectfully程门立雪。

词典serve and learn from the master with reverence程门立雪。

词典honour the teacher and respect his teachings程门立雪。

程门立雪 汉英大词典

程门立雪[chéng mén lì xuě]

stand in the snow to wait upon Master Cheng respectfully; serve and learn from the master with reverence; honour the teacher and respect his teachings

程门立雪 网络解释

1. cheng men li xue:乘物游心 cheng wu you xin | 程门立雪 cheng men li xue | 惩忿窒欲 cheng fen zhi yu

程门立雪 双语例句

1. 2007年的第一场雪,来得似乎太早了些,在这个阳光明媚的春天,我的爱情却过早地走进了这寒冷的冬天,当我极力挽回我的爱时,却遭遇着暴风雷雨的打击和冰天雪地的冷遇,就在女友向我摊牌的那天下午,我彻底打垮了,我也不知我为什么会跪在她的门前,古有程门立雪,今有我宜家跪爱,或许爱情让我失去了理智,或许爱情让我失去了做男人的尊严,为了她,我已经不顾一切。
    In 2007 the first snow has come too early for some it seems, in this sunny spring, I love it too early to go to the cold this winter, when I had to restore my love. Storm has encountered a thunderstorm hit the world of ice and snow and cold shoulder, in a showdown to my girlfriend the day afternoon I thoroughly defeated, I do not know why I would kneel down in front of her, there is a way doors Li Xue, I have this love IKEA kneeling, Perhaps I love lost his mind, perhaps I love to do men have lost their dignity, to her, I ignore everything.

2. 我们在学习和工作当中,应该有程门立雪的精神,虚心向他人学习。
    We should learn form others with humble reverence during study and work.
