

称王称霸[chēng wáng chēng bà]

词典lord it over others [everyone]

词典act like an overlord称王称霸。

词典assume hegemony称王称霸。

词典be domineering称王称霸;盛气凌人。

称王称霸 汉英大词典

称王称霸[chēng wáng chēng bà]

lord it over others [everyone]; act like an overlord; assume hegemony; be domineering; declare oneself king or emperor; domineer; king it over; lord it over; play the despot; play the hegemonic overlord; rule supremely

称王称霸 网络解释

1. call the king and the tyrant:拨云见日 put aside the clouds to see the sun | 称王称霸 call the king and the tyrant | 大公无私 the duke has no privacy

2. Lord it over other:111. Fail to keep one's word./ Break one's promise食言 | 112. Lord it over other称王称霸 | 113. In the mountain of the blind, the one-eyed many is the kind.山中无老虎,猴子称霸

3. to lord it over, to play the tyrant:出尔反尔:to go back to one's words, to play fast and loose | 称王称霸:to lord it over, to play the tyrant | 理屈词穷:to have nothing to say, to find oneself devoid of all arguments

称王称霸 双语例句

1. 那个男孩称王称霸,直到我哥哥痛打了他一顿。
    That boy was cock of the walk until my brother beat him in a fight.

2. 福斯特。他对我很好,从不像对我逞威风,许多其他大男孩总是对比他们小的孩子称王称霸
    He was kind to me and never lorded it over me the way so many older boys did with younger ones.

3. 称王称霸的意思

3. 你与我平等,没有男人称王称霸的事情。
    You will be my equal. There is no such thing as the man is the king.

4. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

4. 如果一生中你没有这样称王称霸的时候,你会感到生命如此乏味。
    If you have no such moment when you can be a queen, you will feel the life is so drab.

5. 称王称霸

5. 他已惯于在乡里称王称霸了。
    He had been used to being of cock of the walk in his native village.

6. 如果一生中你没有这样的称王称霸的时刻,该是多么乏味。
    If you have no such moment whenyou can be a queen, you will feel the life is so drab.

7. 任何一个国家都不应该骑在别的国家头上称王称霸。2。
    Any country should not ride on heads of other countries and act like an overlord.

8. 称王称霸的反义词

8. 在小天地中称王称霸的人
    A cock of the loft/dunghill.

9. 称王称霸

9. 他在家里称王称霸
    He tyrannizes his family.

10. 因为他们的心理处于低等动物的水平,而人类社会已经进化到了用更加复杂的方法来称王称霸,比方说用投票的方法。
    Because their psychology stayed on the level of simple animal, the society of human beings had evolved to use more complicated method to claim the leader, such as voting.

11. 马利被狗狗训练营开除后,继续胡作非为,在家里称王称霸
      Kicked out of obedience school, Marley continues to misbehave and pretty much control the household.

12. 称王称霸

12. 这时,那个凶狠的厨娘仍然在厨房称王称霸
      Now the cruel cook still reigned over the kitchen.

13. 称王称霸在线翻译

13. 他在外面是称王称霸不过在这里他其实跟我们一样。
      He may have ruled the streets out there, but in here, he's just like us.

14. 白人对黑人称王称霸的日子一去不复返了。
      The days when the white could lord it over the Negroes are past and gone.

15. 称王称霸

15. 或者它们可以对人类称王称霸,让人类惧怕它们,践踏他的土地,摧毁他的茅屋。
      Or they could lord it over man through fear, trampling his fields and crushing his huts.

16. 海洋的岛屿会被给予野猪的权力,它会称王称霸,超过了高卢的森林。
      The islands of the Ocean shall be given into the power of the Boar, and it shall lord it over the forests of Gaul.

17. 邪恶的美国政府,还在世界上称王称霸,所以这一定不是天国。
      The bad evil American government is still running things in the world, so this must not be the Kingdom of God.

18. 称王称霸的反义词

18. 朱利娅自从提升以来一直称王称霸
      Julia has been cock of the rock ever since she got her promotion.
