1. 它讲究以书入画,强调写的精神,主张中锋用笔,用线含蓄蕴藉,回旋曲折,收纳凝练,绵里藏针、秀润苍浑,是一种中庸、正大、充实、浩然的儒家哲学的审美规范规定的结果。
It stresses with the book picturesquely, emphasizes the spirit written, maintain the center uses pens, accumulate in store making use of with the thread, the twists that circle round, it is condensed to take in, a kindly face masks a stony heart, beautiful and moist and dark green and muddy, one golden mean, honest, substantiate, great the Confucians aesthetic normal result that stipulate of philosophy.
2. 秀润是什么意思
2. 认为虞山琴派的产生与明中季特殊的社会背景以及吴地山水秀润的地缘风貌等,均有着密不可分的联系。
I believe that the school s founding has closely related to the social background of the mid-Ming Dynasty and the Wu Area s beautiful and smooth scene.
3. 放眼望,青山绿水的嘉陵江畔,犹如一幅秀润川江的图画,让人心旷神怡,由不得大家多想,不约而同、全神贯注地用相机开始拍起照来。
Look look, green mountains and blue waters of the Jialing River, a show like Run Chuanjiang picture, people relaxed and happy, we can not help think about, coincidentally, began to concentrate on shooting with the camera according to effect.
4. 技法上吸取百家之长,其作品结构严紧,比例深厚,秀润中见苍劲,氤氲中见空灵,运用精细的笔微,结合文学、哲学思想、社会动态等融会中西方法形成了自己的独特的风格。
Absorbs long 100 on the skill, its work structure is strict tight, the comparison is deep and show smooth medium see a Cang strength, cloudy medium see light and free, make use of a fine pen tiny, combining literature, philosophy thought, social dynamic state etc.
5. 明清时期,程邃等画家虽然经常采用枯笔渴墨绘画,但他们的焦墨画同样表现出苍茫而秀润的审美意境,后世对他的焦墨评价很高。
Although the painter of the Ming and Qing Dynasties, way distant often dry brush ink painting of thirst, but their focus ink painting showing the same vast aesthetic mood of the show run, no wonder the future generations of Mexican coke highly.