

禳解[ránɡ jiě]

禳解 网络解释

1. avert misfortune:autonomous cultural stystem自主文化体系 | avert misfortune禳解 | avoidance law回避规则

禳解 双语例句

1. 一般来讲,玛尼石堆最直接的意义有两个,一是祈福和禳解;二是供人们转经礼拜,随时匡正自己的思想行为。
    In general, the most direct meaning of Mani rubble there are two, one blessing, and asserting solution; the second is for the people by turning the prayer at any time rectifying their own thinking and behavior.

2. 许多儿歌通过某些巫术手段对恶劣的自然现象进行禳解、对动植物加以褒贬、对社会表示关注并对儿童加以呵护。
    Many childrens songs try to explain bad nature, express their likeness on animals and plants, focus on society, and protect children in some magical way.

3. 一般认为,端午节正值季节转换,虫毒蠢动,疫病滋生,我们的祖先试图用种种巫术行为禳解它,辟邪逐疫,以祈求人们在这一年里能够平安。
    It is generally believed that the Double-Fifth Festival is high time for the change of the seasons, in whichinsects are crawing and diseases are spreading rampantly.

4. 迎亲的大喜日子如正逢新娘月经来潮,就会认为给男家带来了晦气,要倒大霉,必须举行相关仪式禳解
    If the red-letter day meets the bride's menses, it is considered as unlucky to bridegroom's family, which must carry through special ritual to avoid misfortune.

5. 禳解

5. 彝族民间忌见动物交配的泛灵信仰及其禳解仪式
    The Animistic Belief of Taboo Seeing Animal Copulation and the Yi folk Ritual to Avoid Misfortune

6. 事前设防和事后补救是禳解禁忌的两种常用的方法。
    Taking preventive action beforehand and remedial action afterwards are the two common methods of warding off taboos.
