1. 禁闭室的翻译
1. brig:另外,如果司令(不涉及总统)被关押至禁闭室(Brig)则也将按委任顺序将司令官衔转交下一位角色玩家. 即便前任司令稍后从禁闭室中被释放,也无法再次自动获得司令的官衔. 委任顺序:例如:赛隆人攻击危机卡显示需要将两艘星河基地(Basestar)放置在游戏版图上.
2. 禁闭室的解释
2. The Sweatbox:- 另一個結尾 Alternate Ending | ?禁閉室 The Sweatbox | ?蓋比特今昔 Geppettos Then And Now
3. back hole:a square peg in a round hole 不适宜担任某工作的人 | back hole 禁闭室 | be in the hole (for, to the extent of) [美]经济困难, 负债, 拖欠(钱款)
4. 禁闭室的解释
4. sendto:月下夜想 luna | 禁闭室 sendto101 | 禁闭室 sendto
1. 禁闭室什么意思
1. 结果我被带到了司令部办公室,他们拆掉了我的肩章把我押进了禁闭室——原因是无命令离开营区。
I was brought to the commandant`s office, they tore off my shoulder straps and put me in the guardhouse – I didn`t have the authorization to leave the casern.
2. 禁闭室
2. 健康的身体乃是灵魂的客厅,有病的身体则是灵魂的禁闭室。。。。
The healthy body is the soul living room, is sick the body is the soul guard chamber....
3. 军人禁闭室军队中''。'拘禁'。''犯有轻微过失的军人或等候军事宣判的军人的监牢
A jail for the detention of military personnel guilty of minor offenses or awaiting court-martial.
4. 在的话就接电话,我进了禁闭室
Pick up if you're there, mami, I've been in the
5. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D
5. 要是蹲禁闭的感觉更好,那么禁闭室就会水泄不通,狐穴阵地就会空空荡荡,而我们就会输掉整个战争。
If the stockade was preferable the stockades would have been full, the foxholes empty, and we would have lost the war.
6. 他进了禁闭室
He's in the damn restraint room.
7. 我为了这件事蹲了四天的禁闭室。
I got four days In the cooler for that.
8. 谁?我吗?我一定马上到禁闭室去。
Who, me? Surely I'd be In the cooler right now.
9. 他们被关在了下层的禁闭室里
They are being held in the containmant cell one level down.
10. 表哥感到不适,眼睛会不停地眨,有种在禁闭室里录口供的感觉。
The cousin feels unwell, the eye can keep blinking, have kind of feeling that records affidavit in guardhouse.
11. 911chaxun查询·英语单词
11. 或者你可以永远搬去禁闭室。
Or you could always move out to the boondocks.
12. 禁闭室
12. 那里就是你的禁闭室。
There's the brig right there.
13. 禁闭室的解释
13. 但监狱如一个小型化社会,包括监室,生活区,劳动车间,医务室,教学楼,禁闭室,值班室,餐厅,浴室,操场等不同区域。
But the prison as a small society, including prison room, living area, labor workshop, clinic, teaching building, the brig, duty room, dining room, bathroom, playground and other different regions.
14. 他给我详细对比了各地监狱单独禁闭室的优劣点。
He gave me a detailed account of the relative merits of solitary confinement in various prisons.
15. 911查询·英语单词
15. 你的有生之年就会在禁闭室里度过
Spending the rest of your life in the padded room.
16. 禁闭室的近义词
16. 让禁闭室的人也能听见你们。
Let them hear you in solitary.
17. 我想你在那禁闭室里明白了些什么。
I thought you learned something in that cell.
18. 禁闭室的翻译
18. 丢他到禁闭室。我待会再跟他聊聊。
Throw him In the cooler. I will deal with him later.
19. 911chaxun查询·英语单词
19. 马上把那擦掉,要不然我就把你关进禁闭室。
Wipe that off Immediately, or I will have you thrown In the cooler.
20. 谁在4号禁闭室里面?
Who's in holding room four?