1. 祸乱是什么意思
1. Modern:孔子语言谨慎,从来不谈论怪异之事、恃勇逞力之人、忤逆祸乱之术、荒谬无稽的鬼神论。
English: Confucius is very careful with words, he does not talk about strange happenings, people who go around bullying people, issues that may create chaos, and superstitions and gods.
2. 王夫之衍《老》,一是为了拨正历来解《老》中的错误,还《老子》以本来面目;同时批评历史上因不善用《老子》而导致的祸乱。
The first, correct the error in annotation on Lao Tzu in history, give back its real features, and comments on disaster that bring from applying Lao Tzu falsely.
3. 我应当是怎样尽可能解决引起祸乱与对秩序井然有害的隐患。
What should be my cause as far as possible, bringing disasters and chaos with the potential harmful orderly.
4. 人道没有出现祸乱的时候,不可先策划兴师。
If there are chaos in the society, your planning cannot precede them.
5. 祸乱发生在百里之内,不要只作一天的战斗准备;
If trouble arises within a hundred li, do not make preparation for a war that last a single day.
6. 祸乱是什么意思
6. 魏晋时期,祸乱相承,灾害频仍,疫病暴发频繁。
In the Wei-Jin period, the natural calamities and the epidemics occurred frequently.