1. 对未来的想象既可以是激情澎湃的,又可以是充满恐惧的,也可以是神闲气定的。
The imagination of the future could be emotional, horrible or calm.
2. 梅艳芳说话时神闲气定,完全没有一般少女的腼腆。
When Anita Mui talks, she is very calm, not hesitating like normal young girls.
3. 911查询·英语单词
3. 被弹劾的当天早晨,Blagojevich先生神闲气定地从早就驻扎在他家门前的一干摄影记者面前走过,在他成为聚光灯焦点的
On the morning of his impeachment, Mr Blagojevich cheerfully jogged past the cameramen who had staked out his home.
4. 唯有孔子神闲气定一个人在房间里弹琴清唱,一副若无其事的样子。
They only drank some soup of potherb to quench hungry. The disciples were in worst mood, appearing tiredness.
5. 被弹劾的当天早晨,Blagojevich先生神闲气定地从早就驻扎在他家门前的一干摄影记者面前走过,在他成为聚光灯焦点的时候,伊利诺斯州却是每况愈下。
On the morning of his impeachment, Mr Blagojevich cheerfully jogged past the cameramen who had staked out his home. As he dominates the spotlight, Illinois itself is languishing.
6. 优婆离弟子(佛陀的十大弟子之一,佛教十诫的伟大守护神─持律第一):佛陀永远是那麼地神闲气定,佛陀不仅说法,更是身体力行为人表率。
Ven. Upali (One of Buddha's ten greatest disciples, the greatest observant of the Buddhist commandments): Buddha has always been patient, and he has not just taught us but has shown us through his actions.