

神算[shén suàn]


词典miraculous foresight神算。

词典marvellous prediction神算。

神算 汉英大词典

神算[shén suàn]

miraculous foresight; marvellous prediction

神算 网络解释

1. 神算

1. Shen suan:丐世英雄 Gai shi ying xiong (1992) | 神算 Shen suan (1992) | 豪门夜宴 Haomen yeyan (1991)

2. danci.911chaxun.com

2. Good Ldea:l Was Ashmed不好意思 | Your Equals与你同等的人 | Good Ldea神算

3. 神算在线翻译

3. Marvellous Prediction:11. Your Father Is My Father 你爸爸就是我爸爸 | 12. Marvellous Prediction 神算 | 13. Seventeen to Three 17比3通过

4. The Magic Touch:- 1992 Gun and Rose龙腾四海 | - 1992 The Magic Touch神算 | - 1992 The Wicked City妖兽都市

神算 双语例句

1. 神算

1. 你被神算为义了吗?
    Have you come to that place?

2. 神算我们为义,是根据我们的信心,而不是我们的行为。
    Our faith, not our works, is reckoned by God for righteousness.

3. 或是说邪神算得什麼吗?
    Or, that the idol is any thing?

4. 4:6 正如大卫也称那在行为以外,蒙神算为义的人为有福的
    Blessed are they whose lawlessnesses have been forgiven, and whose sins have been covered over.

5. 神算的意思

5. 4:6 正如大卫称那在行为以外,蒙神算为义的人是有福的。
    Saying, Blessed are they whose iniquities are forgiven, and whose sins are covered.

6. 神算的近义词

6. 正如大卫称那在行为以外蒙神算为义的人是有福的。
    Even as David also pronounces blessing on the man to whom God counts righteousness apart from works

7. 在中国漫长的历史长河中,古老而又神秘的阴阳五行学说孕育出了各种各样的预测算命的方法,如:八字预测法、看相预测法、紫薇斗数法、称骨算命法、铁板神算法、奇门遁甲法、六壬太乙法、梅花易数法、测字算命法、周公解梦法、民间解签法等等,这其中以八字预测法、看相预测法和称骨算命法是我国古代算命的大宗之法。
    China's long history, the ancient and mysterious theory of yin and yang bred a variety of forecasting method of fortune-telling, such as: eight-character prediction method, astrologer prediction method, Lagerstroemia bucket counting method, called bone fortune-telling method, iron Fortune law, Qi Men Dun Jia law, Liu Ren Tai-law, Meihuayishuo law, Cezisuanming law, Dream Dictionary law, civil solution to sign France and so on, which the eight-character prediction method, astrologer prediction method, and that bone fortune-telling method is the bulk of China's ancient fortune-telling method.

8. 算命,在漫长的中国历史长河中,古老而又神秘的阴阳五行学说孕育出了各种各样的预测算命的方法,如:八字预测法、看相法、紫薇斗数法、铁板神算法、奇门遁甲法、六壬。。。
    Fortune-telling, in the long Chinese history, ancient and mysterious Yin and bred a variety of forecasting fortune-telling methods, such as: character prediction, fortune teller law, Myrtle bucket number method, iron Fortune Law, Qi Men Dun Jia law, Liu Ren...

9. 德国章鱼“保罗”日前又做出预测,德国队将在世界杯半决赛中被西班牙队击败,想必德国的球迷一定希望这只“神算”章鱼这次最好能失算。
    Soccer fans across Germany will be hoping a " psychic " cephalopod's fabled skills of prophecy have failed him after Paul the octopus predicted a German loss in their World Cup semi-final with Spain.

10. 神算的意思

10. 斗鸡眼负鼠海蒂近日预测,娜塔莉·波特曼将摘走本届奥斯卡影后的桂冠。海蒂被认为是神算章鱼保罗的继任者。
    A cross-eyed opossum called Heidi, who has filled the void left by psychic Paul the Octopus, has predicted that Natalie Portman will walk away with this year's Best Actress Oscar.

11. 神算的意思

11. 本文讨论了一类H∞最优控制问题,并给出了求H∞控制最优值的非迭代算法,最后通过一个简单例子说明非迭神算法的计算过程。
      This paper discusses an H ∞ optimal control problem, and gives a non-iterative algorithm for solving H ∞ control optimal value. An example is given to illustrate the computing procedure of the non-iterative algorithm.

12. 两年后,在Kiev,一只神算猪接管了保罗的任务。
      Two years later in Kiev, a psychic pig takes over where Paul the Octopus has left off.

13. 神算的翻译

13. 组织者于上周五称,因预测南非世界杯而一举成名的神算章鱼保罗已英格兰申办2018年世界杯的官方形象大使。
      Paul the octopus, the oracle of the World Cup in South Africa, has become an official ambassador for England's bid to host the tournament in2018, organizers said Friday.

14. 德国章鱼“保罗”日前又做出预测,德国队将在世界杯半决赛中被西班牙队击败,想必德国的球迷一定希望这只“神算”章鱼这次最好能失算。
      Soccer fans across Germany will be hoping a " psychic " cephalopod's fabled skills of prophecy have failed him after Paul the octopus predicted a German loss in their World Cup semi-final with Spain.
