

祖泽 双语例句

1. 李祖泽罗宾逊介绍了世俗的祈祷,作为渗透,通过世界各地的神。
    JAT Robinson describes secular prayer as the penetration through the world to God.

2. 祖泽的翻译

2. 2.2写一个SQL列出所有书籍的共同作者'陈祖泽'和'玛丽发'。
    2 Write a SQL to list out all the books co-authored by `JOHN CHAN` and `MARY WONG`.

3. 陈祖泽先生为九龙巴士有限公司高级执行董事。
    Mr CHAN Cho-chak, John, is Senior Executive Director of the Kowloon Motor Bus Co (1933) Ltd.

4. 陈祖泽先生为九龙巴士有限公司。。。
    Chung-kong is the Chief Executive Officer of MTR Corporation.

5. danci.911cha.com

5. 2.3写一个SQL列出所有书籍'陈祖泽'但不是共同执笔'玛丽发'。
    3 Write a SQL to list out all the books written by `JOHN CHAN` but not co-authored with `MARY WONG`.

6. 梁永祥先生、包陪丽女士、王英伟先生、陈祖泽先生、曾德成先生、吴清辉教授、马逢国先生和李兆铨先生
    Ma Fung-kwok and Mr.

7. 是次分享会邀请到社会福利署助理署长蒋庆华先生、香港物业管理公司协会第一副会长黄继生先生、推广小组委员陈陈秀瑛女士及陈祖泽先生担任主礼嘉宾。
    Mr. CHEUNG Hing-wah, Assistant Director of Social Welfare, Mr. Cliff WONG, the 1st Vice President of the HK Association of Property Management Companies Limited, Mrs. CHAN CHAN Sau-ying and Mr.

8. 单位:王征旭何振平(第三军医学西南医院肝胆外科,重庆 400038);吴祖泽(军事医学科学院放射医学研究所百环生物医学研究中心,北京 100850
    WANG Zheng-xu(Department of Hepatobiliary Surgery, Southwest Hospital, the Third Military Medical University, Chongqing 400038, China

9. 科大校董会主席陈祖泽博士衷心感谢李兆基博士的鼎力支持。
    HKUST Council Chairman Dr John C C Chan expressed profound gratitude to Dr Lee for his munificent donation.

10. 只要选择的朋友您的地址簿并开始李祖泽
    Simply select friends from your address book and start to jat.
