



礼成 网络解释

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1. Recessional:献诗 Music Offering | 祝祷 Benediction | 礼成Recessional

2. 礼成

2. nirtzah:12. barekh 餐后祝谢(第三杯酒) | 13. hallel 阿肋路亚咏(第四杯酒) | 14. nirtzah 礼成

礼成 双语例句

1. 一旦合卺礼成,新人角色变得现实了。
    Once the wedding vows are taken, new roles materalize.

2. 集团拥有资产总额6亿元,注册资本1.6亿元,集团公司董事长江礼成先生。
    The Group has total assets of 600 million yuan, and registered capital of 160 million yuan.

3. 礼成

3. 礼成后有前来观礼来的人来询问入学的资料,并拿去数份报名表。
    There were some requests about how to be enrolled in the seminary and a few copies of application forms were taken.

4. 礼成之后,日本官员和美国领事向新郎表示祝贺并先离去。
    He arrives and commands all the relations to renounce Butterfly.

5. 礼成在线翻译

5. 不是死亡,而是生命给予havohej成为饭乐礼成了心爱的丛林社会成员并不因其巨大的狩猎技巧,但由于他的大悲。
    Instead of death, Havohej gave life and instead of becoming a meal, Rodney became a beloved member of the jungle society not because of his great skill at the hunt but because of his great mercy.

6. 礼成

6. 言则史书之,礼成之,乐歌之。
    S History books are made, into the ceremony, the music of the song.

7. 司祭也会在执事宣读福音前对执事划十字圣号降福,另一个划记的时间点则是弥撒礼成时。
    The priest also uses the Sign of the Cross when blessing a deacon before the deacon reads the Gospel, and when blessing the congregation at the conclusion of the Mass.

8. 他作为征士,应聘为新生的朱明王朝制礼作乐,而在礼成之后,却又激流勇退,归隐乡里从事教学,以培养人才为己任。
    As a Zhengshi, he was employed to make rites and music for the newly-born Zhu Ming dynasty. However, after rites were made, he resigned and went back home to engage in teaching.

9. 礼成

9. 礼成之后,日本官员和美国领事向新郎表示祝贺并先离去。
    Then the officials, including the Consul, congratulate the groom and leave.

10. 马坞金矿位于岷县东部,属岷-礼成矿带的中段,为一中型金矿。
    Mawu deposit is a medium-scale gold deposit, located in the east part of Minxian and the middle of metallogenic belt Min-Li.
