

碧瓦[bì wǎ]

词典green [glazed] tile

碧瓦 汉英大词典

碧瓦[bì wǎ]

green [glazed] tile

碧瓦 网络解释

1. greenglazedtile:greengage 青酶 | greenglazedtile 碧瓦 | greengrocer 菜贩

碧瓦 双语例句

1. 碧瓦的近义词

1. 如今,掩映在绿树丛林中的红砖碧瓦已成为农村的又一道亮丽风景。
    Today, nestled in the trees jungle green glazed tile has become the red-brick and a beautiful rural landscape.

2. 该楼建于清光绪十五年,高30多米,共4层,朱柱碧瓦,宝顶鎏金。
    Guang Xu Jian Yuqing building is fifteen years, more than 30 meters high, a total of four layers, Zhu-chu, green glazed tile, Baoding gilt.

3. 假如在夏季午后游湖遇到雷雨也不必害怕,那是大自然让你领略另一番气象景观:一刹那乌云压顶,风丝不动,时空在这一刻凝固了,突然,惊雷踏水波而来,雨点擂鼓般敲击着船篷,——正当惊魂未定时,雨驻云开,虹霓飞架,雨后青山如黛,湖水墨蓝,夕阳从云层里投射山间寺庙的红墙碧瓦,暮鼓钟声附着波光云影悠悠飘来,使你恍惚进入佛光禅境的空灵遐想。
    If the Lake in the summer afternoon thunderstorms do not have to experience fear, it is natural to allow you a taste of different meteorological landscape: the moment cloud top pressure, wind wire fixed, coagulation time and space at this moment, and suddenly, thunder wave follow from rain-like percussionthe Flog drum beat Boat canopy, - legitimate shock, the rain in Yunkai, Hongyemun set up in the sky, after the rain, such as Dai Castle, Lake ink blue, sunset clouds in projection from the mountain temple of green glazed tile walls, twilight drum bell attached shimmering clouds floated long, so you enter the Temple of Zen trance of reverie dense.

4. 碧瓦的解释

4. 沿坡除了不绝於途的嘛呢堆、经旗外,经寺方精心布置,栽种了各种奇草瑶花,夹杂在红墙碧瓦之间,山花夹道、红紫斗色,这个地带也成了绝佳的景点。
    Aside from endless piles of mani stones and prayer flags about the hill, the monastery had carefully arranged various kind of exotic plants among the red walls and blue tiles.

5. 一堆红砖碧瓦,一旦有了真理就成了学校。
    Add truth to a pile of red brick and you have school.

6. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

6. 蓝天碧瓦之间,一方天井接天通地。
    Blue sky green between the side yard next day Link.

7. 碧瓦

7. 一些,像城堡,有的墙碧瓦像宫殿,以及屋顶的房子,完全用玻璃,但由于建设的要求过多的施工队建立了村一半不会干,导致了一段短短几年内,它没有包括结束。
    Some, like the castle, and some walls green glazed tile like a palace, as well as the roof of a house made entirely of glass, but because of the construction of asking for too much of the construction team built the village to half do not go dry, resulting in a while just a few years and it has not covered END.

8. 茶亭采用了中国传统的伞状圆形屋顶、上盖碧瓦、黄金圆柱落地支撑的建筑结构。
    Chating using the umbrella of the Chinese traditional circular roof, superstructure Biwa, gold cylinder landed the support structure.

9. 911查询·英语单词

9. 改造完成后,呈请这里查看蓝色碧瓦,树木林立的背景下,独特的风景线,已成为另一个城市部的新亮点,吸引游客。
    The transformation is complete, the petition here to show blue green glazed tile, tree-lined backdrop of the unique landscape, has become another city Department of a new bright spot to attract tourists.

10. 远远看去,亭身红柱碧瓦,八角重檐,颇有气势。
    Looked by far, the pavilion body red column green glazed tile, the octagonal double-eaved roof, quite has the imposing manner.

11. 碧瓦的翻译

11. 它还是保留了明代建筑风格,青砖碧瓦,八角叠檐,塔有九层,高60米,塔基直径12米,有207级旋梯,为广西最高最大的塔。
      It still retains the architectural style of the Ming Dynasty, glazed brick, octagonal canopy stack, a nine tower, 60 meters high and 12 meters in diameter Taki, a 207 spin, the highest for Guangxi's largest tower.

12. danci.911cha.com

12. 红墙碧瓦,互相映衬。
      The red walls and green tiles set each other off beautifully.

13. 亭内由四根朱漆圆木金柱,外加四根花岗岩檐柱,撑起头上双重的琉璃碧瓦的飞檐和一个攒尖宝顶。
      Red lacquer亭内logs from Kim, plus four檐柱granite, glazed double up the head of green glazed tile roofs and a sharp ding save.

14. 碧瓦在线翻译

14. 来这里旅游,每一块青砖碧瓦都能引领您走进历史长河;
      Being here for tourism is as if you walked into history.

15. 碧瓦

15. “岱宗宝殿”为东岳庙的主体建筑,朱墙碧瓦,富丽堂皇。
      The Hall of Taishan Mountain is the main construction in the Dongyue Temple, its red walls and green tiles having an air of magnificence.

16. 碧瓦的意思

16. 但也就在这时,人们会发现一片醒目的红墙碧瓦隐在树丛中,这就是建在武当神道上的朝天宫。
      But also at this time, people will find a striking red tile hidden in the bush, which is built in the Wudang Shinto Chaotian palace.
