

碓臼[duì jiù]



碓臼 双语例句

1. 粮食加工工具有石磨盘与石磨棒、杵臼和碓臼、磨,加工技术如粮食脱壳和磨制技术。
    Stone plate of food processing tools and stone rods, ball and socket and pestle mortar, grinding, food processing technologies such as shelling and grinding technology.

2. 这里饱蕴山野之风、帝王之气,周围有著名旅游景点八达岭长城、银杉塔林、碓臼峪自然风景区、龙庆峡水库、康西草原、莽山森林公园等风景名胜。
    Wind, the king gas of here full yun mountains and plains, the surroundings have the famous scenic site Badaling Great Wall, cathaya argrophylla Tallin, the pestle and mortar valley natural scenic spot, west the Longqingxia reservoir, Kang scenic spots and so on prairie, headstrong mountain forest park.

3. 像石京龙滑雪场这样成功的例子不胜枚举,北京周边由四季青旅游传媒策划过活动的就有八达岭长城、慕田峪长城、司马台长城、龙庆峡、红螺寺、黑龙潭、雁栖湖、妙峰山、响水湖、康西草原、桃源仙谷、清凉谷、十三陵碓臼峪、上方山森林公园、云蒙山森林公园、平谷大溶洞、银狐洞、八达岭野生动物园等数十家自然风景区以及石京龙、塞北等五家滑雪场和数家度假村。
    Like Shi Jing-long ski resorts such successful examples abound, Beijing Sijiqing travel media from around the planned activities of the Badaling Great Wall there, Mutian Valley Great Wall, Sima Tai Great Wall and the Long Qingxia, Hong Luosi, and the Longtan Yanxi, Miao Fengshan, Xiangshui Hu, Kangxicaoyuan, Taoyuanxiangu, Qingliang Gu, the Ming Tombs atoll acetabular valley, at the top of Forest Park, Yunmengshan Forest Park, Pinggu large cave, Yin Hudong, the Octopus Ridge Safari, and other natural scenic area and dozens of stone Jinglong, such as five Ski Saibei field and several family resorts.
