

破读[pò dú]

词典the pronunciation other than the most common, customary pronunciation of a word which has more than two forms of pronunciation because of different senses

破读 汉英大词典

破读[pò dú]

the pronunciation other than the most common, customary pronunciation of a word which has more than two forms of pronunciation because of different senses

破读 双语例句

1. danci.911cha.com

1. 3音变构词研究是《音辨》研究的重要内容,前人虽对这一问题给予了不少关注,但多侧重于对《音辨》所辨析的部分破读材料的利用,而疏于对其作整体研究和全面考察。
    In the previous study, few scholars had treated of the relations between QunjingYinbian and Jingdianshiwen, we have put it forward specially in this dissertation and made a preparatory discussion, which is not only propitious to grasping the venation of the learning development, but can help us to look on QunjingYinbian correctly and objectively.

2. 以是,咱们还要有一套行之有效的方法来阻止病毒以及木马的入侵,例如:给个人计较机加上密码认证、关闭不必要的端口、部分注册表分支设为只读模式;公司的大型服务器设置强有力的密码,破读母大小写+数码+特殊符号的情势,加装企业级硬件防火墙,随时监视检测端口开放环境等等。
    Therefore, we must h***e a proven way to prevent the invasion of viruses and Trojan horses, such as: a personal computer with password authentication, close unnecessary ports, part of the registry branch set to read-only mode; the company's large server Set strong password, such as letter case + numbers + special symbols in the form of the installation of enterprise-class hardware firewall, opening ports to monitor the situation any more.
