

破涕为笑[pò tì wéi xiào]


词典smile through tears转哭为笑。

词典melt into smiles破涕为笑。


词典turn tears into smiles破涕为笑。

破涕为笑 汉英大词典

破涕为笑[pò tì wéi xiào]


smile through tears; melt into smiles; turn tears into smiles:


    She couldn't refrain from smiling through tears.

破涕为笑 网络解释

1. Tears gave way to smiles:eg: Give way to traffic coming in from the right. 让从右面来的车子先走. | Tears gave way to smiles. 破涕为笑. | We mustn't give way to these unreasonable demands. 我们不能向这些不合理的要求让步.

2. 破涕为笑的意思

2. to break into laughter while still crying:破门而入 to break into a house. | 破涕为笑 to break into laughter while still crying. | 骑虎难下 When you ride a tiger,it'shard to dismount.

3. 破涕为笑的近义词

3. laugh in the midst of tears:3. have-a-nice-day standardization 客套话 | 5. laugh in the midst of tears 破涕为笑 | 6. sad,serious face lights up with a bright smile 悲伤,严肃的脸上绽放出灿烂的笑容

破涕为笑 双语例句

1. 在志工的安慰下,蜜雪儿破涕为笑,在圣塔芭芭拉慈济人总计服务了22户灾民,不过却仅仅只有九户,接受现值卡的帮助。
    Comforted by the warmth of Tzu Chi volunteers, Michelle finally breaks into a smile once again. In Santa Barbara, Tzu Chi offered cash cards to 22 households, but only 9 families accepted them.

2. 在你不开心的时候,想方设法哄你开心,直到看到你破涕为笑。因为你不开心的时候,他比你更痛苦。
    He will try his best to make you happy until you smile through tears when depressed because he suffers more than you do when you are unhappy.

3. 她听了破涕为笑,马上把碎纸扔进了垃圾袋。
    She heard smile through tears, throwing ground paper right away into litter bag.

4. 女孩终於破涕为笑,露出甜甜的笑容。
    The girl finally smile through tears, showing a sweet smile.

5. 邻居云芳,由于男友出国被甩,三天不吃不喝,危难之际大民用三寸不烂之舌,使云芳破涕为笑,从而投入了大民的怀抱。
    Neighbors Yunfang, because her boyfriend dumped abroad, neither eat nor drink three days, of crisis, big civil silver tongue, so Yunfang breaks through his tears to put the big China's arms.

6. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

6. 要是她朝你哭,你要不厌其烦地哄她,直到她破涕为笑
    If she cry, you should be very patient to clamor her until she smile.

7. 破涕为笑

7. 你有过这种破涕为笑的经验吗?
    Therefore you ought to be happy and joyful''Do you know that feeling?

8. 破涕为笑

8. 我也许不能让你破涕为笑,但我可以陪你一起在泪水中沉沦。
    I don't promise that I will make you laugh, But I can cry with you.

9. 实现梦想,总会觉得那是一种破涕为笑的心情。
    A dream come true, there will always feel that it is a feeling Potiweixiao.

10. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

10. 我听了恍然大悟,终于破涕为笑!我的童年,可真傻的可爱啊!
    I listened to came to understand it, and finally breaks through his tears!

11. 她抬起头,见我醒了,破涕为笑
      She looked up, see I woke up, breaks through his tears.

12. 哥哥在窗外又唱又跳地卖力表演,终于使妹妹破涕为笑
      In a complete mess; in an awful state

13. 他的孩子立刻破涕为笑,继续跟他的父亲一起玩这场人生的游戏。
      At last, the boy smiled again, and continued to play, along with his father, the game of life in the camp.

14. 破涕为笑

14. 她不禁破涕为笑
      She couldn't refrain from smiling through tears.

15. 我坐在房间里,一会儿哭,一会儿破涕为笑,衣裙上滴上了点点泪迹,连用纸巾去檫掉都懒得动。
      I sit there, half-crying, half-laughing, letting a pool of wet tears gather on my skirt and not even bothering to wipe it away.

16. 破涕为笑

16. 记得有一次,妈妈从外地带了个最流行的奥特曼我喜欢的不得了,在手里玩个不停,乐颠颠地,一不小心,摔在了地上,头给摔掉了,我嚎啕大哭起来,妈妈在一旁帮我想方设法地帮头给粘了上去,这才使我破涕为笑,看来我当时是把玩具当成自己生命去看待。
      I remember once, my mother from the field Dai Lege most popular Altman I like, incredibly, in the hands of playing non-stop, Le Diandian, the careless and fell to the ground, Head to Shuaidiao, and I crying together, my mother helped me to one side trying to help to stick the head up, That made me breaks through his tears, it seems the toy as I was to look at their lives.

17. 破涕为笑是什么意思

17. 妈妈看见儿子快乐的神情,于是破涕为笑
      When the mother saw her son's joy, her tears changed to smiles.

18. 小时候,我哭闹时,大人们给什么都不管用,后来爸爸给了我一本书我便破涕为笑了。
      As a child, I cry, no matter use what all adults to, then dad gave me a book I will smile through tears.

19. danci.911chaxun.com

19. 你们应该为此而欢喜快乐!」你有过这种破涕为笑的经验吗?
      Therefore you ought to be happy and joyful'Do you know that feeling?
