1. Shigu academy:新宁县玉女岩 Yunv cliff in Xinning | 石鼓书院 Shigu academy | 江口鸟洲 Jiangkou Bird Island
1. 石鼓书院
1. 石鼓书院这座历经唐、宋、元、明、清五朝的千年学府在我国书院史、教育史、文化史上享有崇高的声誉。
Shigu academy is an old institution witnessing Tang, Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties, and it has a great reputation in the history of academy, education, and culture of China.
2. 911查询·英语单词
2. 石鼓书院是中国历史上盛名天下的“四大书院”之一。
The Stone Drum Academy is one of the four famous academies.
3. 宋、元、明、清时期,一些官员、学者以及生徒常在石鼓书院雅集,兴味浓厚。
Governmental officials, scholars and students often held special meeting in Shi-gu Academy.
4. 石鼓书院的近义词
4. 为了让树木平安过冬,连日来,石鼓书院管理人员正加紧采取保暖措施,给树木穿上“冬衣”。
To make the trees safe winter, the past few days, Shek Kwu College managers are stepping up to take precautionary measures to put the trees'winter clothes.
5. 他虽然没有亲临石鼓书院讲学,但他的《石鼓书院记》却让石鼓有声于天下。
Although he had never been there to give lectures, his work Record of Stone Drum Academy made it to be very famous.
6. 石鼓书院的反义词
6. 当时,福州开设的巢经楼是我国最早的公共图书馆,石鼓书院亦被称为海内四大书院之一。
At that time, the Chaojing Building was the earliest public library in our country and the Shigu Academy was also called as one of the Four Academies within the country.
7. 南岳寿文化、石鼓书院文化、湘江文化综合的统一,古为今用继承、发展的充分表现,佐证了它是这些文化实践的产物。
Le Southern culture, Shek Kwu College culture, the Xiangjiang integrated unified culture, take in everything inheritance, the full development of performance, it is supporting the cultural practices of these products.