1. 这石钟山下有许多`石穴罅`水扬起激波,就会激起如钟鼓一样的乐声。
Shak Chung Shan, under which there are many'Shi Xue loophole'water up some shock, it will provoke the same music as three hundred.
2. 石钟山 石窟是中国古代艺术中的瑰宝。
In the crown of ancient Chinese art.
3. 宋代著名文学家苏东坡曾在此月夜泛舟,写下散文名篇《石钟山记》。
So it got the nickname of The lock and key to the River and Lake.
4. 石钟山的反义词
4. 据业内人士了解,目前谍战剧的市场反馈非常热烈,石钟山、赵宝刚等导演对此题材也倍感兴趣,跃跃欲试。
According to industry to understand the current war spy drama market feedback is very warm, Dan Zhongshan, director Zhao Baogang, and other times also interested in this subject matter, the temptation.
5. 石钟山的近义词
5. 这石钟山有一片石窟群。
There is a group of caves here.
6. 那就是石钟山的石钟。
There's the bell of stone.
7. 石钟山的“父亲系列小说”是其中的代表作品。石钟山的“父亲系列小说”在重构“英雄”的努力中也阐释了现代人对英雄主义的理解。
Shi Zhongshan's " paternal series novels " are representative works of the kind, which in reconstructing " hero " illustrated the modern people's understanding of heroism.
8. 《石钟山记》是苏轼遭贬后的含蓄反抗。
The Travel Notes to Shizhong Mount shows Su Shi's implicit rebel after being demoted.
9. 石钟山的反义词
9. 本论文试图从军旅文学作品中英雄形象塑造这个角度入手,以军旅作家石钟山的系列作品为个案,来观察这种多元语境下军旅文学创作的特点。
From the angle of figuring hero image in the armies literary works, using the works of Shi Zhong-shan, an armies author, as the example, this paper tries to observe the characteristics of armies literature in this poly-literary circumstances.
10. 石钟山的“父亲系列小说”是其中的代表作品。石钟山的“父亲系列小说”在重构“英雄”的努力中也阐释了现代人对英雄主义的理解。
Shi Zhongshan's " paternal series novels " are representative works of the kind, which in reconstructing " hero " illustrated the modern people's understanding of heroism.