

Limestone landform;
石灰岩地貌 双语例句

1. 石灰岩地貌的反义词

1. 猛玛洞穴国家公园位于肯塔基州,是世界上最大的自然洞穴群和地下长廊,也是石灰岩地貌构成的典型代表。
    Mammoth Cave National Park, located in the state of Kentucky, has the world's largest network of natural caves and underground passageways, which are characteristic examples of limestone formations.

2. 我们应优先保护具高生态及景观价值的石灰岩地貌,同时充分考虑周边社区的需要。
    A priority is to conserve landscapes with the highest ecological and aesthetic values, taking into account the needs of surrounding communities.

3. danci.911cha.com

3. 一位姓周的施工员表示,由于江高镇一带有很多地区都属于石灰岩地貌,因此作业的时候经常会遇到地下溶洞。
    Construction of a surname Zhou, Since Jiang high in many parts of the town with a limestone topography are therefore often encountered when operating underground limestone cave.

4. 石灰岩地貌的近义词

4. 我国西南部的石灰岩地貌早已闻名于世,其壮观的喀斯特地貌历来启发了无数艺术家的灵感,然而它的价值却不只于此。
    In China limestone is perhaps best known for the dramatic karst landscapes in the southwest that have inspired artists, of all kinds, through the ages. But its value in our heritage is not confined to this.

5. 石灰岩地貌的解释

5. 本文首先简要考察了担当的生平,其次着重探讨了担当山水画风的主要来源:董其昌,苍雪,云南的石灰岩地貌,文征明等。
    Next, this article discusses the important source of the Dan Dang's landscape painting: Dong Qichang, Cang Xue, Yunnan's limestone landform, Wen Zhengming, etc.
