1. 这可以节省我一天的时间,当他带着那短简驱车到邮政总局时,心中想道。
It will save me a day, he thought, as he drove to the General Post Office with this brief epistle.
2. 麦可修写给她丈夫的短简是这样开始的:有爱。
This is how Janet McHugh's note about her husband begins: Loved.
3. 你应该给她一个短简
You should send her a note.
4. 此后即进行短简的对话操练,以应用本课的词汇和语法材料。
After this let them practise the dialogue with the vocabulary and the grammars in the text.
5. 在他离家之前,也是在跳下山崖、跌落深涧之前,他在电脑上给家人留了一封短简。
Before he left the house, and before he jumped from a high cliff into a ravine, he had left a note to his family on his computer.
6. 埃文斯从上海给我写了封短简。
Evans wrote me a short note from Shanghai.
7. 那是珍奈特亲笔的爱情短简。
It was a love note, in Janet's handwriting.
8. 谚语言短简,得自老经验
Proverbs are short sentences drawn from long experience
9. 短简的意思
9. 谚语言短简,得自老经验简短的答覆、评论、言语等
Proverbs are short sentences drawn from long experience a terse reply, comment, remark, etc
10. 他在复活节前夕把这封短简发走了。
He dispatched the note on Easter Eve.
11. 吉英早已来了一封短简给伊丽莎白,信上说,她已经平安抵达伦敦;伊丽莎白希望她下次来信能够讲一些有关彬格莱家的事。
Jane had already written a few lines to her sister to announce their safe arrival in London; and when she wrote again, Elizabeth hoped it would be in her power to say something of the Bingleys.