

瞻顾[zhān gù]

词典look ahead and behind瞻顾。

瞻顾 汉英大词典

瞻顾[zhān gù]

[书] look ahead and behind

瞻顾 双语例句

1. 简单的走着,不时回首、回首瞻顾那逝去的、珍藏的快乐。
    A simple walk from time to time looking back, looking back that lost, Collection happiness.

2. 第二章考察小句对原语理解的瞻顾作用,包括瞻前作用和顾后作用。
    The second section examines the function of clause in understanding word and phrase.

3. 瞻顾

3. 我怀着十分眷恋的崇敬心情,瞻顾那一座美丽的城市,说来话长。
    On many accounts I regarded that beautiful city with affectionate veneration.

4. 做事避免徘徊瞻顾,犹豫不决。
    We know very well that when we are angry, we do not see the truth clearly.

5. 瞻顾是什么意思

5. 公司地处富庶的江苏省沿江城市——如皋市,西临新长铁路,南枕如泰运河,肩挑三三四省道,紧依盐通高速,雄踞南北交通之喉舌,瞻顾长江贸易之往来。
    The company is located in affluent cities along the Yangtze River in Jiangsu Province - Rugao City, the west by the new long railway, South pillow such as Thai canal, men's 334 provincial highway closely follows the salt pass high-speed, dominating the north-south traffic on the mouthpiece of the Yangtze River Trade°of contacts.
