

瞪瞪 双语例句

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. 我看见了那只死豿直瞪瞪的眼睛。
    I saw that dead dog`s staring eye.

2. 他直瞪瞪地看了我一眼。
    He gave me a level look.

3. 你不要总是直瞪瞪地盯着人家看。
    You shouldn't always stare at others.

4. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

4. 他直瞪瞪地望着她。
    He stared at her in the most flagrant manner.

5. 瞪瞪

5. 你不要总是直瞪瞪地盯着人家看。
    Stare at: Don't stare at someone.

6. 瞪瞪的反义词

6. 他直瞪瞪地看我们。
    He looked directly at us.

7. 他直瞪瞪地看着她,不加一点掩饰,于是她终于开口问道:你为什么这么看着我?
    He stared at her in the most flagrant manner until at last she said: What makes you stare at me so?

8. 瞪瞪在线翻译

8. 他仰卧着,背靠得很高,他那双瘦小的、青筋虬结的手平放在被子上面,他的左眼直瞪瞪地盯着,他的右眼歪斜,眉毛和嘴唇一动也不动。
    The comic effort with which he strove to make his tongue work made Princess Marya drop her eyes, and she had much ado to stifle the sobs that rose in her throat.

9. 他仰卧着,背靠得很高,他那双瘦小的、青筋虬结的手平放在被子上面,他的左眼直瞪瞪地盯着,他的右眼歪斜,眉毛和嘴唇一动也不动。
    He was lying raised high on his back; his little bony hands, covered with knotted purple veins, were laid on the quilt; his left eye was gazing straight before him, while the right eye was distorted, and his lips and eyebrows were motionless.

10. 然而这一礼服现在被卡车运往世界各种乏味之地,人们只要花足够的钱就可以直瞪瞪的盯着它看。
    While the gown is now reduced to being trucked round the world to a series of ever-drearier locations so people can pay enough money to gawp at it.

11. 瞪瞪的翻译

11. 其他犯人安静地坐在一旁,双手交叠地放在膝上,眼睛直瞪瞪地望着前方。
      The prisoners sat quiet, their hands crossed on their knees, looking straight in front of them.

12. 同样令人无法理解的是:人们连续几个小时坐在屏幕前,直瞪瞪地看着一大群朋友信手发布的信息,并对此评头论足。
      As is the thought that you park yourself for hours on end in front of a screen gawping at the random communications of your unmanageably large group of friends and commenting on them.

13. 他低声说,拢着双臂靠在我床边,眼睛直瞪瞪地从开着的舷窗向外看。
      He whispered, his arms folded on the side of my bed-place, staring through the open port.

14. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

14. 接下来的这一周,由于各种原因,你会感觉有些虚弱无力,脆弱疲乏,孤立无援。然而,你除了直瞪瞪地注视着这些荒谬的各种事情的逐渐发生发展之外,你没有办法采取任何行动。
      Your Week Ahead: For various reasons, you feel weak and vulnerable, exposed, isolated, powerless, unable to do much more than gawp in amazement as various seemingly ludicrous developments take place.

15. 他眼神直瞪瞪的,似乎在想些什么。
      Looking blank, he sat there brooding.

16. 瞪瞪

16. 我讨厌人家直瞪瞪地盯着我!
      I hate being gawked at!

17. danci.911cha.com

17. 她直瞪瞪地逼视着他的脸。
      She looked him fully in the face.

18. 瞪瞪在线翻译

18. 妻子直瞪瞪地盯住他,等着他答话。
      The wife kept a steady eye upon him, and waited.

19. 他们躺在灼热的甲板上,眼睛直瞪瞪地望着小岛四周的边线。
      They were lying on the hot deck watching the line of the key.

20. 瞪瞪的反义词

20. 英格莱姆大夫两眼直瞪瞪地瞅着彼得。
      Dr Ingram eyed Peter squarely.
