

瞎跑[xiā pǎo]


瞎跑 双语例句

1. 李继武急忙上前劝阻他们,告诉他们没有弄清情况瞎跑更危险,而他们不听,仍然喊着、带着强列的求生欲望奔跑着。
    Everyone loves to blame the government and some Chinese bloggers have been muttering about Hurricane Katrina.

2. danci.911cha.com

2. 所以长辈们请放心,我不会瞎跑
    So every elderships don`t worry about me, I would not be reasonless.

3. 瞎跑是什么意思

3. 请长辈们放心,我不会瞎跑
    Don`t worry about me, I would not be reasonless.

4. 瞎跑的近义词

4. 我们到处瞎跑的时间已经够长了。
    We've been going around in circles long enough.

5. 我喜欢在家待着,呆在家里总比在街上瞎跑要好。
    I like watching at home, stay at home rather than in the streets Xiapao better.

6. 而不是瞎跑26英里只为吹嘘我能行
    Than running 26 miles for no reason other than to brag that I can do it.

7. P173 我仿佛觉得你是骑在马上瞎跑,总有一天会摔下来,摔得非常厉害。
    I have a feeling that you're riding for some kind of a terrible, terrible fall.

8. 瞎跑的近义词

8. 两只小东西就开始在我的笼中瞎跑不停的找出口。
    Two small things started in my cage Xiapao not stop looking for export.

9. 瞎跑的解释

9. 你这孩子在家干点什么不好,满世界瞎跑什么?
    The child is too naughty to be left alone even for a little while.

10. 他们中的绝大多数,花费了太多的时间,要么站着不动干瞅着队友,要么沿着很容易被对手预判和破坏的线路瞎跑
    Most of them spend too much time either standing still and watching their colleagues or running in lines that are easy for defenders to predict and nullify.

11. 瞎跑什么意思

11. 万一发生火灾,保持镇定,从最近的出口出去,别瞎跑
      In case of fire, keep your head. Walk, don't run, to the nearest exit.
