1. 别瞎吹了,我知道你的底细
No big talk with me. I have your number.
2. 别跟我瞎吹了,我又不是不了解你的底细。
No big talk with me, I have your number.
3. 瞎吹的意思
3. 别跟我瞎吹了,我又不是不了解你底细。
No big talk with me. i have your number. Life is to be spent, not saved.
4. 911查询·英语单词
4. 她不是瞎吹的,或是一个神经病-她是一个通感者。
She is not a charlatan, or a psychic - she's a synaesthete.
5. 你知道那些家伙被抓后就喜欢瞎吹牛
And you know those guys like to brag when they get caught.
6. 我讨厌见到他,因为他总是在他人面前瞎吹牛。
Hate the sight of 讨厌见到, 如: I hate the sight of him, for he's always blindly boasting in face of others.
7. 瞎吹
7. 空谈,瞎吹牛
Slang Idle or boastful talk.
8. 瞎吹的解释
8. 三二。别跟我瞎吹了,我又不是不了解你底细。
No big talk with me. i have your number.
9. 你们平常瞎吹虎:荻村人高一等,粪香三级,连狗屎都比烟村强。
All right, so you had several generations of learned men who drank ink and got degrees.
10. 瞎吹的意思
10. 三个徒弟追到河底,妖怪自知不是对手,闭门不出。别跟我瞎吹了,我又不是不了解你的底细。
The three disciples ran after the spirit who knew he was no match for them and did not come out. No big talk with me, I have your number.
11. 你听说过梭子鱼想吞吃骡子的故事吗?不同于某些瞎吹的故事,这可能是真的。
Have you heard the one about the pike that tried to eat a mule? Unlike some fisherman's tales this one could be true.
12. 别瞎吹了!我知道发生了什么事情!
Come on! I know what has happened!
13. 他一直在瞎吹在露营时跟她搭上了。
He's been pretending that he made her when they went camping.
14. 瞎吹
14. 我们伯明翰拥有最杰出的音乐工作者,这可不是瞎吹。
That we have the most musical workers in Birmingham is no idle boast.
15. 那话全是瞎吹牛皮。
That stuff's all bull.
16. 他在观看其比赛的这个球队有全国最好的球员。-瞎吹!我看本地学校的孩子们就能轻而易举地打败他们。
The team you are now watching has the best players in the country. – Stuff and nonsense! The children from the local school could beat them easily.
17. 瞎吹的翻译
17. 不过切里尼当时什么都瞎吹一通。
But then, Cellini boasted of everything.
18. 坐在那古老的咖啡厅里,只由一名瞎吹各种菜肴的黑人侍者侍应,使他们感到趣味无穷。
It amused them immensely to sit in the old coffee-room and be waited on by a black waiter, who extolled absurdly the various dishes.