瞎吹牛[xiā chuī niú]
throw the bull
1. XCN:QCX 去操心 | XCN 瞎吹牛 | BWW 不问问
1. 瞎吹牛的意思
1. 你知道那些家伙被抓后就喜欢瞎吹牛
And you know those guys like to brag when they get caught.
2. 我讨厌见到他,因为他总是在他人面前瞎吹牛。
Hate the sight of 讨厌见到, 如: I hate the sight of him, for he's always blindly boasting in face of others.
3. 空谈,瞎吹牛
Slang Idle or boastful talk.