

眼高手低[yǎn gāo shǒu dī]

词典have grandiose aims but puny abilities眼高手低;志大才疏。

词典be fastidious but incompetent眼高手低。

词典flit from one thing to another眼高手低。

词典great ambition but little talent眼高手低;才疏志大。

眼高手低 汉英大词典

眼高手低[yǎn gāo shǒu dī]

have grandiose aims but puny abilities; be fastidious but incompetent; flit from one thing to another; great ambition but little talent; have high aim but no real ability; have high ambition but no real ability; have sharp eyes in criticizing others but cl

眼高手低 网络解释

1. She has queen's taste:Severe in teaching, excellent in studies. 严师出高徒. | She has queen's taste. 眼高手低. | She's responsible to me. 她是我的顶头上司.

2. 眼高手低的近义词

2. have high standard but little ability:束手就擒allow to be seized without putting up any fighting | 眼高手低have high standard but little ability | 大手大脚throw money around spend extravagantly

3. 眼高手低是什么意思

3. Tom:Tom眼高手低 | Dan: Excuse me. Waiteress, may I see the menu, please? 丹 麻烦你,我可以看一下菜单吗? | Waitress: Sure, here you go. 服务员 当然,给
