

眼底下[yǎn dǐ xia ]

词典right before one's eyes眼底下。


词典at the moment当时;此刻,现在,目前。

眼底下 汉英大词典

眼底下[yǎn dǐ xia]


(眼睛前) right before one's eyes:

  例:他的眼睛近视得利害, 放到眼底下才看得清。

    He is so nearsighted that he can just see the things put before his eyes.

眼底下 双语例句

1. 眼底下的反义词

1. 他的眼睛近视得利害,放到眼底下才看得清。
    He is so nearsighted that he can just see the things put before his eyes.

2. 眼底下在线翻译

2. 先处理眼底下的事。
    Let's settle the business on hand first.

3. 911查询·英语单词

3. 就在我眼底下烧掉了
    It happened in front of my eyes.

4. 你的心胸是多么的宽广,容纳百川,包罗万象,都在你的眼底下,不管怎样,你一点也不在乎,这正是你的胸怀,你却一点不说,也是你的美德。
    Your mind is a what comprehensiveness, accepting 100 川s, all inclusive, all in the underneath of the your eye, aught, you 1:00 also not concerned, this is exactly your breadth of view, but you say 1:00, is also your virtue.

5. 霍华德这个老秃驴每天在大家眼底下晃了11年。
    John Howard this old bald donkey has been swaying in front of everyone's eyes for eleven years already.
