1. 楷书也称为正书、真书,说明了楷书是提供人学习和运用的正规书体。
The kaishu also is called the book, the real book, explained the kaishu is provides the human the study and the utilization regular calligraphy style.
2. 真书
2. 今年春天,索尼将首次推出采用EInk技术的“索尼阅读器”,在大小、重量和手感方面都酷似真书。
This spring, it will debut the Sony Reader, which uses E Ink and closely mimics the size, weight, and feel of a book.
3. 大家可以,在保罗的七封真书中找,你能分辩出来,尤其是《以弗林书》,听上去不像保罗的风格。
You can search all the way through the seven authentic letters of Paul and you just tell & especially the Ephesians passage, it just doesn't sound like Paul.