1. 与此同时,日本人在相扑运动中的霸主地位也已被外国人抢占。
Meanwhile, the sport of Japanese emperors has been dominated by foreigners.
2. 这个也是一绝:难道日本人相扑是从印度传过去的?!
This is supposed to be an angel holding up the roof from the top of the columns – an angel in the form of a sumo wrestler?
3. 这就意味着在某些情况下,一名相扑手最后可能要同一个两倍于自己个头的人比赛。
This means that a wrestler can end up competing against someone double his size in some cases.
4. 对于很多人来说,相扑代表日本文化。
For many people, sumo is synonymous with Japanese culture.
5. 相扑人在线翻译
5. 如果你到了更大的圣地,名人和相扑选手人会被邀请,而这些事件是全国电视转播。
If you go to one of the bigger shrines, celebrities and sumo wrestlers will be invited, and these events are televised nationally.