




盗赃 双语例句

1. 这些问题在民法上历来存在不同的观点,尤其是在我国,无论是理论界还是司法实践中,对盗赃善意占有的态度都存在较大差异,本文就这一问题作一些粗浅的思考和探讨,以求教于同仁。
    There are different viewpoints on these problems in our country in the fields of both theory and practice.

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2. 从开始欺骗、放木马、收割账号到贩卖赃物都有专人负责,已然形成了盗赃、贩赃一条龙。
    From begin deceit, put a trojan, reap Zhang date to arrive traffic spoil to person specially assigned for a task is in charge of, formed the pilfer bribe, one continuous line that peddle bribe already.

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3. 盗赃、遗失物等占有脱离物,只有当善意受让人是由拍卖场所、公开市场或贩卖同种之物的商人处取得时,才适用有偿回复。
    Only when the bona fide assignee acquire the chose from auction place public market or themarehant who peddle the some kind of the chose, close it apply the provisions of restituting compensated.

4. 占有委托物只要具备善意取得的要件,便可发生善意取得;而盗赃、遗失物、遗忘物、误取物等占有脱离物应规定一定的回复期间,逾此期间,占有人即确定地取得盗赃、遗失物等一般占有脱离物的所有权。
    Only has the effctive conditions of the system, the acquirement in good faith will take place. While a period of restituting should be provided about the breakaway chose in possession, such as booty, lost property, forgotten, property acquired by mistake and so on. When it goes beyond the period, the possessor will decided have the ownership of gengral breakaway chose in possession such as booty, lost property.
