1. 911查询·英语单词
1. 庄子听了变了脸色,忿忿地说了个故事来嘲讽这位监河侯:我来的途中,听到呼唤声,回头一看,泥路上车轨碾过留下的小坑洼处,有一条奄奄一息的鲋鱼在那儿挣扎。
I looked around and saw a dying fish struggling in a pit made by carts running over the muddy road.
2. 911查询·英语单词
2. 一日,庄子去向监河侯借粮,监河侯满口答应﹕「行!
One day, he went to borrow food from the Lord of Jianhe, who agreed right away, Sure!
3. 监河
3. 庄周家贫,故往贷粟于监河侯。
During that dry mistake Zhuang orphanage, the loan to Su Yu Hou River supervisor.
4. 监河
4. 监河侯曰诺!
Hou supervisor River Says Connaught!
5. 监河的反义词
5. 一次,他去监河侯那里借粮食。
Once, he went to the official who supervised rivers to borrow some grain.