

盐店[yán diàn]


盐店 双语例句

1. 古道的历史,油人队的球衣,也是今天的商品出售,最流行的运动的一个部分。几乎每一个体育和运动的纪念品和收藏价值的盐店进行各种各样的廉价橄榄球球衣的摇摆人,尤其是科比的球衣。但是,有时它发生在神户的商业登记的,尽管巨大的过剩
    It is so simple to setup your name as a websitethe kobe bryant swingman jersey, apart from being witness to the colorful unfolding of our favorite mlb league`s history, is also one of the most popular pieces of sports merchandise being sold today.

2. 盐店的翻译

2. 几乎每一个体育和运动的纪念品和收藏价值的盐店进行各种各样的廉价橄榄球球衣的摇摆人,尤其是科比的球衣。
    Almost every sporting and sport memorabilia and collectibles store worth its salt carries a variety of cheap nfl jerseys especially kobe bryant swingman jersey.

3. 盐店

3. 彭城磁州窑盐店遗址中有一座元代古窑址,保存完好,在窑址旁的作坊里可以看到瓷器的制作过程。
    Pengchengci zhou yao salt in a shop in the Yuan Dynasty ruins ancient sites, well preserved in the sites next to the workshop can be seen in the process of porcelain production.

4. 西峰其地北通宁夏,东连陕西,宁夏食盐行销陕属,必经此地,故为各路运盐车辆总汇之区,商贩多设盐店于此,以粮、杂货交易。
    Xifeng The Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region to the north pass, east of Shaanxi, Ningxia Shaanxi salt is a marketing, must pass through here, the salt transport vehicles for the various areas of confluence, and more vendors set up shop in this salt to food, grocery transactions.

5. 大大小小的胡同纵横交错,单说这胡同的名称就十分有趣,如劈柴胡同、米市胡同、油坊胡同、盐店大院、酱坊胡同、醋儿胡同、茶儿胡同,这与开门七件事——柴、米、油、盐、酱、醋、茶相对应。
    Hutongs big and small are crisscrossing everywhere. Just mentioning their names is interesting enough: for example, Pichai Hutong, Mishi Hutong, Youfang Hutong, Courtyard of Salt Store, Cu ` r Hutong, Cha ` r Hutong and so on, which just correspond to all the seven basic necessities of daily life, namely, firewood, rice, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar and tea.

6. 在位于彭城镇的磁州窑盐店遗址,您还可以自己动手做几件坯胎,这可是一项很有意思的活动。
    Peng towns inci zhou yao salt shop sites, you can also do a number of do-it-yourself blank birth, this is a very interesting activities.
